WoF Recap: November 2, 2016


$1K Tossup: WAYD?

S I _ _ _ N G / I N
T H E / F R _ N _ / R _ W

I wish I was SITTING IN THE FRONT ROW to see Julie and these people play…

Julie Slama (Yale): junior studying political science who studied abroad in London last Spring (and she went to 19 countries on the weekends in one semester) from Peru, NE

Madison MacEachen (Ohio State): sophomore studying journalism & Spanish and minoring in Business from Cincinnati (she’s also a member of Delta Gamma & a foodie)

Scott Alexander (USC) sophomore majoring in business & minoring in dance who also participates in a college program called Campus Cruiser and is a member of the Theta Chi Fraternity from Simi Valley


P R _ R _ _ U _ _ _ T E
_ _ A S _

Scott has a brain fart, whereas Madison solves PREREQUISITE CLASS.

TRIP WEDGE: Miami’s Beacon Hotel

Round 1: EVENT

She BANKRUPTs near $650 right out of the gate. Second, Scott instantly LOSES A TURN. Third, Julie calls up a $700 T, buys four E’s and an A, but the latter is no good. Madison tries again w/ three $650 R’s, three O’s, an F for that MDW, two I’s to clean out the vowels, but then L for loss. Scott then comes up w/ two $600 G’s, two $500 N’s, and a $650 C…

G O I N G / _ O _ E
F O R / _ I N T E R
R E C E _ _

…he ain’t GOING HOME FOR WINTER RECESS, but he’s on the board w/ $2,850.

DUDS: A (Julie), L (Madison)
INSTA-LaT: Scott

Crossword/Mystery Round: MIXED ______

First for Scott are a $500 R, but then the LaT. Second in Julie’s future are two N’s for the ticketmaster gift tag, two E’s, and three S’s while on the MW near LaT. She risks $1,750 cash & GT for…NOTHING. Third in line, Madison takes a $1K pair of L’s, three I’s, two $800 F’s, two $700 G’s, A, but then the sole dud vowel of O. After Scott BANKRUPTs near $650 to lose the 5 Benjamins…


Julie solves FEELINGS, FRUIT, SIGNALS and NUTS to double her grand.

SOLE DUD: O (Madison)
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Julie & Scott)

Scott: $2,850/Julie: $2K/Madison: $2K

PP/Express Round: PHRASE

All Julie here — she picks a $500 N, five A’s, two $800 L’s, three I’s, and three $650 T’s.

A L L / I / _ A N T _ _
_ A _ / A / T _ I _
T _ / _ A _ I

She says “ALL I WANTED WAS A TRIP TO MAUI” and she’s got it — an $11,200 trip to The Westin Ka’anapali (includes a Hawaiian Paddle Sports experience) plus another $3,550.


Scott: $2,850/Julie: $16,750 cash & HI/Madison: $2K

$3K Tossup: PERSON

S _ F T _ A _ E
_ X P E _ T


Round 4: THINGS

But he strikes out on the spot w/ R. Second for Julie are a $1K pair of S’s, E, a $650 N, two A’s, a $700 D, but then the sole dud vowel of O. Third in Madison’s favor are two $650 T’s, the other two vowels (three I’s and U), and a $1,600 C pair. Board…

C _ U _ S / A N D
A C T I _ I T I E S

…she solves CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES for two grand, taking her to $4,400.

DUDS: R (Scott), O (Julie)


At the start, both ladies miss w/ N and S, respectively. Scott’s next w/ a $500 T, but time is called…

_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ T _ _ _ _

…and it’s a $1,700 FS. I’ll tell you right now that this was a $100K winning puzzle of S23.

Scott: R
Julie: L
Madison: 2 Z’s

_ _ Z Z
L _ _ _ T _ _ _ R

Madison IDs BUZZ LIGHTYEAR for $3,400.

Scott: $5,850/Julie: $16,750 cash & HI/Madison: $7,800

GT: $30,400
BANKRUPT TRASH: $2,250 cash & GT

$100K Bonus Round

We see her parents Bob & Jo as well as little sister Melanie. Julie lands on the I of WIN.

Category: THING

Here’s a trio of letters to get her started….

_ R _ _ _ T
_ L _ _

CDMO only gives her the vowel…

_ R _ _ _ T
_ L O _

There was no BRIGHT GLOW in her (she had second word but trailed off w/ GREAT FLOW, and PLOW), so she loses the $34K.