WoF Recap: June 3, 2015


We’re on the set of “Wish You Were Here”.


A _ D R _ _
J A _ K _ _ N

Scott IDs former President ANDREW JACKSON. Let’s to get know him and the ladies better…

Scott Petrower: design mgr. at a book publishing division of a consumer products co. who can also do a Kermit the Frog impression and is married to Kathy w/ three sons from Glendale, CA (orig. from Stamford, CT)

Joy Brooks-Hearn: clerk typist who speaks Korean and married to Mark w/ one son from Lancaster, CA

Tori McGee: runs a healthy eating & physical activity program at YMCA married to Patrick from St. Petersburg, FL

$2K Tossup: PERSON

_ _ _ _ _ R Y
M _ N

Scott goofs this time w/ DELIVERY MAN.

M Y _ _ _ R Y

Joy finds her MYSTERY MAN.

FEATURED $6K SS: Beyond the Rack

Round 1: ON THE MAP

Here goes Joy w/ two S’s for $1,300, two R’s for the WC, two O’s and three E’s. She follows w/ quad N’s for another $2,600 and the rest of the vowels (I, A and U) before she…

_ E R _ O N _ ‘ S
_ R E E N
_ O U N _ A I N S

…locates VERMONT’S GREEN MOUNTAINS for $3,650 and a new total of $5,650.


Mystery Round: SAME LETTER

Tori’s first letters this night are an R for the Yankee Candle gift tag, but then a dud purchase in A. Second, Scott wastes a FP usage by repeating the A (he tried to correct to E to no avail), lights up an $800 S, but then BANKRUPTs near TD. Third, Joy gets up there a $650 N but no more w/ a T request. After Tori calls her second straight dud of H, Scott picks a $900 G, buys two I’s, but then LaTs out. Joy next hits the MDW’s left side, so she loses the $650 and her WC. Tori follows suit w/ two $900 L’s, but then the other dud vowel of the board (O). Once Scott says yet another baddie of D, Joy inserts a $900 C, buys the leftover vowels of five E’s and U… and says the SL Bonus of four $3,500 P’s! The board…

P E R P L E _ I N G
P U _ _ L E

…she puts together these PERPLEXING PUZZLE PIECES for another $15,400!

DUDS: A (Tori), T (Joy), H (Tori), O (Tori), D (Scott)
SOLE LaT: Scott
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Scott and Joy)
SOLE DQ: Scott’s A repeat

Tori: ZIP/Scott: $1K/Joy: $21,050

PP/Express Round: PHRASE

Knowing that he’s in a very deep hole, Scott starts this answer w/ a $500 T, two H’s for the 1/2 CAR near pink $900, two E’s, but then S for sorry. Second in Joy’s direction are a $700 N, a $650 G, an I, three $600 R’s, and the remaining vowels of an A and four O’s. Following a $900 L…

O _ E R L O O _ I N G
T H E / H A R _ O R

…she’s won another $3,300 and a trip to place that’s  OVERLOOKING THE HARBOR — the Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort in ST. THOMAS worth $6,800.

SOLE DUD: S (Scott)

Tori: ZILCH/Scott: $1K/Joy: $31,150 cash & trip

$3K Tossup: PLACE

_ _ _ T O R I C
_ A _ _ M _ _ K

Tori’s scoreless no more w/ HISTORIC LANDMARK.

Round 4: FOOD & DRINK

She rattles off a $700 R, two T’s to triple up and the three good vowel of an E, two A’s and three O’s, but there’s not much time left…

_ A _ O _ – _ R A _ _ E _
_ O T / _ O _

…and the remaining consonants are worth $1,900 each time it appears.

Tori: H
Scott: 2 P’s

_ A _ O _ – _ R A P P E _
H O T / _ O _

Scott eats up this BACON-WRAPPED HOT DOG worth another $3,800.

Tori: $3K/Scott: $4,800/Joy: $31,150 cash & trip

GT: $38,950
BANKRUPT TRASH (WC not included): $1,450

$100K Bonus Round
Mark the hubby is here and will the & have something really nice for Joy?

Category: PHRASE
At the lead-off portion…

_ _ T _ _ N
T _ E / _ _ _ R

HMYO guarantees at least the H…

_ _ T H _ N
T H E / H O _ R

calling the obvious actually helped for once, so she’s another $32K winner WITHIN THE HOUR and her final total’s $63,150 cash & trip.

$5K SPIN ID: DR1526397


4 thoughts on “WoF Recap: June 3, 2015

  1. Antwan Rice-McKinley June 4, 2015 / 1:44 am

    The time has come. Our first winning BR week in a while and with Joy winning the BR, my rating is a 8.


  2. JP Mackey June 4, 2015 / 4:04 am

    Well, this is looking incredibly good! My rating is a high 7 (largely thanks to Round 2).


  3. JP Mackey June 6, 2015 / 3:12 pm

    Also, pretty rare that right after the No More Vowels graphic pops up and the Final Spin bells ring, Pat mentions that there are no more vowels.


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