Week 36 Stats

Total this Week: $254,855 (we would’ve set a new S-H had Mike and Carol got lucky)
Total for the Season: $8,804,206
BR Win Record: 73-107 (.406)
Total Car Wins: 21
-1/2 Car: 12
-BR Car: 9
$100,000 Wins-Losses: 0-1 (better than nothing at all, but not the way we wanted)
$1M Bonus Rounds: 10
Perfect BR Weeks: 0
Prize Wedge Wins: 47
Gift Tag Wins: 35
Mystery Wedge Wins: 12
MW was $10K-Bankrupt: 29-27
$10K MW was on $700: 30
$10K MW was on $300: 44
Mystery was Flipped-Declined: 56-18
Express was Played-Passed: 42-9
Express Successes-Fails: 24-18
Wild Card Usages
Maingame: 11 (1 on $2,500, 1 on $5K, 6 on $3,500, 2 on $500, 1 on $450)
BR: 17
FP Vowels/Consonants/Solves: 103/49/0
5-Round Games: 39
6-Round Games: 2
Gooseegg Victims: 27
Red Winners: 58
Yellow Winners: 48
Blue Winners: 74
This Week’s Bankrupt Trash: $26,805*
Total Bankrupt Trash for the Season: $816,801*
Biggest Bankrupt: $22,750 (April 9), $22,495 (Oct. 18), $18,390 (Mar. 14)
Season-Worst Bankrupt Trashes for One Night: $36,845* (Oct. 18), $25,600* (Nov. 12), $24,845* (May 6) 
Highest-Winning Totals: $87,050 (Apr. 21), $85,849 (April 15), $81,999 (Feb. 24) 
Lowest-Winning Totals: $10,550 (May 5), $10,400 (Nov. 26), $8,712 (Jan. 20)
Highest Maingame Winnings: $75,988 (Apr. 21), $65,444 (Mar. 17), $64,745 (Oct. 2)
Season-High Week: $346,921 (Disney Cruise Line Week)
Season-Low Week: $156,567 (College Week)

* includes prizes

2 thoughts on “Week 36 Stats

  1. Friendship Feed May 23, 2024 / 6:21 am

    Oh man, that’s all she said in this rather weird week, but pretty good we have a BR winning week. But that maingame can do especially better, only $156,570 was given…


    • Friendship Feed May 23, 2024 / 7:59 pm

      And woah, had it not been for the BR winning week, the week would’ve still not scored a S-L by a mere $3…


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