WoF Recap: May 22, 2023

This next week we’re doing is called “Grand Getaways”, which happens to be a team week where we have grandparents and one of their grandchildren competing.


$1K Toss-Up: THING

A / W _ _ N I _ _
_ _ _ _ I _ A T _ _ N

Charles & Alexandra think they’re A WINNING COMBINATION. First three teams this week…

Charles Ramos & Alexandra Reyes-Ramos: both from Tampa Bay, FL; Charles is a retired Air Force navigator who tries to collect coins from different countries and this team went skydiving on his 70th birthday

Riley Richmond & Linda Philipp: Linda from Stockton, CA collects salt and pepper shakers while Riley the granddaughter from L.A. is a senior at UCLA majoring in psychobiology and hoping to go to physician assistant school

Christine Humphrey & Jess McPeak: Christine from Layton, UT has been married 54 years w/ two children and four grandchildren (incl. Jess) and is a fly fisher while Jess the granddaughter from Davis, CA majors in design at UC-Davis and is hoping to go into a user experience design

$2K Toss-Up: PERSON

D _ I _ I N _
I _ S _ R _ C T _ R

Jess is DQed for leaving out the first R in her response (she said DIVING INSTRUCTOR).

D _ I _ I N _
I _ S T R _ C T _ R


FEATURED GRAND GETAWAY: ITALY from railbookers.com worth $8,799
Mon./Wed./Fri. $ Gift Tag: ZENNI eyewear


C & A: three T’s for $2,550, E for end of turn

R & L: no R on ITALY trip

C & J: two N’s for $1,200, four A’s, SL Bonus of four F’s for $4,600, two I’s, solve…

F A N T A _ T I _
F A I T _ F _ _
F A N _

I’m one of the many FANTASTIC FAITHFUL FANS of this show, as L & J solved for $5,300 (could’ve gone for the S’s).

Mystery Round: FOOD & DRINK

R & L: $1,400 pair of T’s, two E’s, LaT

C & J: $1,200 pair of H’s, $1,950 R trio (not quite to ITALY), one I, N for negative

C & A: $1,300 G pair (not quite to ITALY), two O’s, two F’s on MW near $650 and risks $1,050…$$$, solve…

_ _ R G E R _
H O T / O F F
T H E / G R I _ _

You can enjoy BURGERS HOT OFF THE GRILL on this coming Memorial Day weekend, and they’ve solved for $11,050.

$10K SPIN ID: CL7258152

R & L: ZIP/C & J: $5,300/C & A: $14,050

PP/Express Round: WAYD?

C & J: $1,500 N trio, BANKRUPT near $3,500 just as quick

C & A: $1,200 G pair (just made it out of trouble), two obvious I’s and five O’s, $900 S, $1,200 L pair, unnecessary U buy, $500 K (Alexandra tried to solve immediately after this spin), solve…

L I K _ / _ _ _ _ _ ‘ S
N O / _ O _ O _ _ O _

They win $3,050 more and will be LOUNGING LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW on their trip to The Buccaneer Beach & Golf Resort in ST. CROIX worth $11,150.

R & L: ZILCH/C & J: $5,300/C & A: $28,250

WHEEL Memory of the Week (October 3, 2018): In the Speed-Up Round, Tiffany Robinson gave a THROWAWAY GUESS of BOURBON AND GIN instead of the doll couple BARBIE AND KEN.

Triple Toss-Up: ON THE MAP


_ E _ / J _ R _ _ Y

Here are three “New” places, and Riley locates NEW JERSEY to get on the board.


_ _ _ / _ _ _ K

Riley nails NEW YORK.


_ E _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ D

Riley blows the bonus w/ NEWFOUNDLAND, which is one word. Nice shout-out to nickskapower’s place, though.

_ E _ / _ _ A L _ _ D

Jess locates NEW ZEALAND.


Jess makes it a $1,550 Final Spin.

C & J: 3 T’s (Jess tried to buy a vowel)
C & A: S (DUD)
R & L: R
C & J: N (DUD)
C & A: L (DUD)
R & L: C
C & J: K
C & A: M (DUD)
R & L: D (DUD)
C & J: H
C & A: W (DUD)
R & L: P
C & J: F (DUD)
C & A: G (NMC)

_ _ G H T – T R _ C K
T _ P _

Charles solved EIGHT-TRACK TAPE for the $2K house minimum (and Pat forgot about the minimum boost until after the next break).

Round 1E (C & A), R (R & L)
Round 2N (C & J)R & L
Round 3C & J
Round 4S, L, M, W (C & A)
N, F (C & J)
D (R & L)

R & L: $4K/C & J: $7,300/C & A: $30,250 cash & St. Croix

GT: $41,550
C & J’s BANKRUPT TRASH: $1,500

That DREADED list strikes again…


Uh oh, Charles is picking WAYD?. -__-

$100K Bonus Round

Surprisingly, there’s no car on offer for this week. Anyway, we see Charles’ wife Debbie, and Alexandra lands on the M in AMERICA’S. Take away the first word, and you get a previously used bonus puzzle that wasn’t solved for $40K in S34…

_ S _ N _ / _ _ _ _ _ E
_ _ R _ _N

GHMA doesn’t add much besides the obvious G…

_ S _ N G / _ _ _ _ _ E
_ A R G _ N

They’re off the mark on the last word w/ BARGING, BARGAIN, THINKING before only getting the first word. Since they haven’t been USING OFFICE JARGON, they lose $40K.

MY RATING: 6 (messy Speed-Up)

I’m sending in @jpgenius for one more set of recaps this season and it will be the next three episodes. Back with you Friday.

8 thoughts on “WoF Recap: May 22, 2023

  1. Friendship Feed May 22, 2023 / 7:28 pm

    Oh didn’t know that it is another grandparents compilation (wonder when was the last time it happened), oh and Sweethearts Week is off the hook from its sole team week of the season.

    Meanwhile the Blue family did the best for the start of the week, though the Speedup was way too long… pity they didn’t get the BR (and JARGON again, that was only the third time they had in the BR includong the aforementioned S34 episode and the December 19, 2013 one, which was winless)

    Our rating: 6 😮 (that emoticon was due to the post-PP)


    • Friendship Feed May 22, 2023 / 7:44 pm

      Andy, since next week is the Star Wars, we earlier propose a creative opening of a Star Wars Opening Crawl to begin each episode. What do you think on this idea?


    • Richard Corliss May 22, 2023 / 8:28 pm

      Last time there was a grandparents compilation was in Walt Disney World in Epcot. It was back in November 2017.


  2. JL323 May 22, 2023 / 9:38 pm

    The Ramoses cleaned up nicely in the front game winning that $10K MW, but the Speed-Up was a slog to get through with all those duds.

    Bonus Round: Boy, they’ve been spamming that dreaded category trio a lot recently. JARGON is never an easy word to get, so I wasn’t surprised that it was lost.

    My Rating: 6 (D+) (messy Speed-Up)


    • Friendship Feed May 22, 2023 / 9:53 pm

      Thats what we said, JARGON is a winless word (like the March 14 2017 and another on December 19, 2013 (COMPUTER JARGON)


  3. Lisa May 23, 2023 / 7:51 am

    Is anyone else not outraged that Charles was able to solve Eight Track Tape? The rule is, if you start giving the answer, and the buzzer goes IF YOU KEEP GOING then you get the solve. But he didn’t. He stopped. And then Pat tells him to go ahead and solve it. Which he does, but starting from the beginning and saying the whole thing over again. Clear rule violation!! I know it wouldn’t have made a difference, and they still would have won, but perhaps the next team could have made a bit more money!


    • andynwof May 23, 2023 / 8:14 am

      That was the “only vowels remaining” signal and not the buzzer. Pat prompted Charles to say the answer after that particular signal.


  4. jpgenius May 27, 2023 / 12:48 pm

    The Ramoses cleaned up, but I didn’t think they’d decipher that tough BR puzzle.

    My rating: 7


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