WoF Recap: September 22, 2015


$1K Tossup: FOOD & DRINK

_ L A S _ / O F
_ C _ D / _ _ A

Marcus has sipped a GLASS OF ICED TEA. Meeting him and the ladies right now…

Marcus Stein: training director for an education tech. co. who’s a huge shopper from New Orleans

Rebecca Terlesky: kindergarten teacher at the same school she attended while she was in kindergarten (and former volleyball player/coach) married to Steve w/ a 6-month-old son from St. Clairsville, OH

Lydia Burgess: registered nurse at a privately-owned psychiatric hospital and mom of one son from Vegas (orig. from NC)

$2K Tossup: EVENT

_ _ _ I L _
R E _ _ _ _ N

Rebecca solves FAMILY REUNION.

PRIZE WEDGE: Furniture of America SS
Tues./Thurs. Gift Tag: Bed, Bath & Beyond

Round 1: WAYD?

She gets going w/ a $1,300 pair of N’s, five A’s, a $600 D, two O’s, and a $500 F, followed by two E’s, a single I, the obvious two G’s for $1,300 more, a $700 S, the last vowel of U, and a $1,400 pair of M’s before we show you…

_ _ A _ I N G / A
G A M E / O F
_ A _ / A N D / M O U S E

…she’s not PLAYING A GAME OF CAT AND MOUSE, because she makes the $4,550 solve.


Rebecca: $6,550/Lydia: $0/Marcus: $1K

Mystery Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Lydia first spins her way to a $700 T, an E, but then S for sorry. Second, Marcus calls out a $700 R, an I, and a $700 G before hitting the MDW’s right side to lose the $1,150 remainder. Third, Rebecca BANKRUPTs near $650. Lydia’s second turn sees her choosing an $800 H, but then A for awful. Following Marcus’ non-existing C call, Rebecca says an N for the WC, three O’s to clean out the vowels, and three $600 F’s (too bad this doesn’t give her the SL Bonus)

F R O _ E N
F O O _

…she’s the winner of this FROZEN FOOD FIGHT is her to bring her total to $8,600.

DUDS: S (Lydia), A (Lydia), C (Marcus)
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Marcus and Rebecca)

Rebecca: $8,600/Lydia: ZERO/Marcus: $1K

Repeating Classic Bonus Puzzle: I GET YOUR DRIFT

PP/Express Round: THINGS

Marcus leads off w/ two $500 R’s, two E’s, two $500 N’s, a single A, and twin T’s for another grand. But after an I buy is the BANKRUPT near TD to take away $2,250. Over to Rebecca who rattles off a $650 G, three O’s, a dud of M while on FP, the last vowel of U, and triple S’s for $2,700 extra…

S O U N _ S / O _ / T H E
R A I N / _ O R E S T

…she pockets another $2,850 and will listen to the SOUNDS OF THE RAIN FOREST during her stay at the Crocodile Bay Resort in COSTA RICA worth $9,270.

SOLE DUD: M (Rebecca)

Rebecca: $20,720 cash & trip WC/Lydia: ZILCH/Marcus: $1K

$3K Tossup: PHRASE

_ _ _ H
_ _ _ _ _ T A _ _ _ _ S

Rebecca knows she has HIGH EXPECTATIONS to win this game.


She starts w/ a $1K pair of S’s, but then a bad E purchase. Second, Lydia BANKRUPTs near $650. Third for Marcus are four FP O’s, a $700 T, two U’s, but then the LaT. After Rebecca BANKRUPTs near TD to give up her WC and $750…

O U T _ O O _ / _ _ _ _ _
_ U S _ _ O _ S

…the leftover consonants in S-U mode are each worth $1,650.

Lydia: L (DUD)
Marcus: 2 C’s

O U T _ O O _ / C _ _ _ _
C U S _ _ O _ S

Marcus gets another $3,650 from these OUTDOOR CHAIR CUSHIONS.

BANKRUPTS: 2 (ladies)

Rebecca: $23,720 cash & trip/Lydia: $1K GOOSEEGG/Marcus: $4,650

GT: $29,370
BANKRUPT TRASH (excl. WC): $4,150

$100K Bonus Round

I hope Rebecca doesn’t need that WC right now as she lands on the I of AMERICA’S. BTW, she brought along her dad Dave and sister Brooke.

Category: PHRASE
She needs some serious help in that top word when we show her…

_ _ _ _ _
T _ R N _ R _ _ N _

GDHO only adds…

_ _ _ _ _
T _ R N _ R O _ N DĀ 

the obvious — she can’t make a QUICK TURNAROUND without the I and C on top (she had BIG), so she’s the first QU- victim of the season and she also loses the Jeep Cherokee.

$5K SPIN ID: CS6218073


Note about BR Cars This Season

I think the reason why the BR vehicle envelopes this season just say CAR (or SUV in this week’s case) is because they are NO LONGER offering the cash bonus for them thanks to at least Sarah’s $1M win last season. Looks like another budget-saving move by the guys at SPS.