Week 31 Stats

Total this Week: $274,589
Total for the Season: $7,815,665
BR Win Record: 61-94 (.394)   
Total Car Wins: 32
-1/2 Car: 15
-BR Car: 17  
$100,000 Wins-Losses: 4-3 
$1M Bonus Rounds: 6      
Perfect BR Weeks: 0      
Prize Wedge Wins: 32
Gift Tag Wins: 43
Jackpot Wins: 11 
Mystery Wedge Wins: 11  
Found Mystery $10K-Bankrupt: 30-26
Mystery $10K was on $700: 38
Mystery $10K was on $300: 32
Mystery was Flipped-Declined: 56-13
Wild Card Usages
Maingame: 9 (1 on $500, 1 on $900, 3 on $2500, 4 on $3500)
BR: 16
FP Vowels/Consonants/Solves: 92/43/0 
5-Round Games: 37
6-Round Games: 3
$6,000 FINAL SPINS: 16
Gooseegg Victims: 32
Red Winners: 58
Yellow Winners: 53
Blue Winners: 44
This Week’s Bankrupt Trash: $20,850*
Total Bankrupt Trash for the Season: $772,977*
Biggest Bankrupts: $27,100 (Sept. 24); $16,420 (Feb. 11); $15,960* (Dec. 3)
Season-Worst Bankrupt Trashes for One Night: $40,100* (Sept. 24); $28,200* (Nov. 16); $22,750* (Jan. 21)
Highest-Winning Totals: $147,000 (Dec. 28), $137,250 (Nov. 21), $129,600 (Oct. 17)      
Lowest-Winning Totals: $8,200 (April 12), $9,100 (Mar. 20), $9,550 (Jan. 22)
Highest Maingame Winnings: $74,772 (Dec. 28); $72,300 (Dec. 21); $59,398 (April 19)
Lowest Maingame Winnings: $15,350 (Oct. 4); $17,450 (Mar. 14), $17,964 (Nov. 6)
Season-High Week: $377,702 (Week #15: Happy Holidays)
Season-Low Week: $151,104 (Week #6: Teachers Week)

WoF Recap: April 19, 2013


Opening Flashback Clip (1983): Pat reads a letter from a female viewer who watched this show while giving birth


_ O A _ _ _ _ / _ O
_ E W / _ E I _ H T S

Zoee isn’t SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS, but she’s scored first among these people…

Zoee Rottenberg: 3rd grade teacher at New Richmond ES working for her Master’s in elementary education at Xavier Univ. from Cincinnati, OH

Michael Gale: sales manager for a retail furniture chain and creative writer from NYC

Kristina Craig: financial services industry worker married to James and has two children, has a yellow belt in Krav Maga from Southampton, PA


B _ A D _ _ Y
C _ O P E R

Michael IDs actor BRADLEY COOPER.

FEATURED TRIP: Rocky Mountaineer railroad tour of Western Canada worth $8,598

Jackpot Round: THING

He instantly duds out w/ R while on the WC. Second, Kristina calls a $450 N but then BANKRUPTs on the MDW’s left side. Third, Zoee takes two S’s for a $1,300 start, buys three I’s and gets the 1/2 CAR near $300 w/ two T’s. But after buying three E’s, she duds out w/ the D while on the MDW. Afterwards, Mike takes three C’s and two M’s while on $550

I M _ E C C _ _ _ E
T _ S T E / I N
M _ S I C

…he has an IMPECCABLE TASTE IN MUSIC for $2,750.

DUDS: R (Michael), D (Zoee)

Mystery Round: THE 90’s

Kristina leads off w/ three T’s for $1,800, then buys an O and six E’s. But after her next pick of H for the Canada trip is a dud vowel of A. Second, Zoee picks up the MDW this time w/ four S’s, only to give it right back to the BANKRUPT near $650. Third, Michael FPs the last vowel of five I’s and two N’s. He follows up w/ a $650 C, a dud of W while on FP, but then the LaT. That allows Kristina

_ I C T I O N
T _ / S E _ I E S
T H E / _ – _ I _ E S

…to solve SCIENCE FICTION TV SERIES “THE X-FILES” for $1,550 and the Canada trip.

DUDS: A (Kristina), W (Michael)
SOLE LaT: Michael

Kristina: $10,148 cash & Canada/Zoee: $1K/Michael: $4,750

Bonus Puzzle Flashback (Mar. 23, 1999): PHRASE

HDCA gave Brandon…

S H A _ E / _ T
_ _ _

…but he couldn’t SHAKE IT OFF.

Prize Puzzle Round: SONG LYRICS

Zoee’s up first w/ a couple T’s for $800, five O’s and A, a $700 S at the end, but then L for LaT while on the WC. Second in line, Mike picks off two N’s and a W at $700 a pop (buy of two E’s in between those letters) and purchases the rest of the vowels (two I’s and a U). He next picks up the Luggagepoint.com gift tag and the other available 1/2 CAR w/ H and P, respectively…but then craps out w/ C. Kristina then inserts five Y’s for $4K

I / W A N T / T O
P U T / O N / _ Y
_ Y / _ Y / _ Y / _ Y
_ O O _ I E / S H O E S

…and solves “I WANT TO PUT ON MY MY MY MY MY BOOGIE SHOES” (by KC and the Sunshine Band) for that much money plus a $6,500 trip to the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC at the Riu Bambu Hotel & Resort.

DUDS: L (Zoee), C (Michael)

Kristina: $20,648 cash and trips/Zoee: $1K/Michael: $4,750

$3K Toss-Up: PHRASE

_ _ O M / _ E A D
_ _ / T O _

Kristina gets FROM HEAD TO TOE to go to $23,648.

Speed-Up: PERSON

Consonants are worth $6K apiece!

Kristina: 2 N’s
Zoee: 3 S’s
Michael: 2 R’s
Kristina: 4 T’s
Zoee: C
Michael: C repeat right after
Kristina: A
Zoee: D

T R _ N D S _ T T _ N _
A C T R _ S S

Zoee solves TRENDSETTING ACTRESS for $30K and the comeback win!

SOLE DQ: Michael’s C repeat

Kristina: $23,648 cash and trips/Zoee: $31K/Michael: $4,750

GT: $59,398
BANKRUPT TRASH (excluding MDW): $450

$100K Bonus Round

Zoee has her husband Michael, dad Herbert, little sister Jacquelyn (?), and aunt Patty (?) cheering her on. The I in AMERICA’S is where we stop on to end the week.

Category: THING

RSTLNE reveals…

R _ _ _ _
S _ R _ _ _ E

CDMA gives her pretty much the second word…

R _ _ _ _
S _ R _ A C E

…but she turns this ROUGH SURFACE into a smooth one for the $40K, giving her an an all-cash total of $71K!

$5K SPIN ID: DE9976532


WoF Recap: April 18, 2013


Encore Clip (Shopping Week Nov. 30, 2005): Pat tries to give Vanna some money to go buy a sweater, but he was asked to put his jacket on her instead.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G / T _ E
_ _ _ D / _ A P

Erika’s guess of READING THE ROAD MAP won’t work.

U N F _ _ _ I _ G / T _ E
_ O _ D / _ A P

Andrew’s right w/ UNFOLDING THE ROAD MAP. Thursday’s players…

Andrew Samson: freelance writer who once wrote a letter to Pat at age seven requesting for the host’s autograph but he got an unsigned board game instead from L.A. (orig. from Sarasota, FL)

Erika Sanchez: bilingual, kindergarten and 1st grade teacher at Westcliff ES married to Paco who had LEGO figures of Pat and Vanna from Ft. Worth, TX

Brooke Williams: actress who did her first half-marathon from Brooklyn (orig. from Tampa)

$2K Toss-Up: PERSON

H _ _ _ _ _ _
M A R R _ _ _ / M _ N

We don’t know if Andrew’s a HAPPILY MARRIED MAN, but he’s two for two so far tonight.

FEATURED HOTWIRE.COM TRIP: Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows in Hawaii worth $7,114

Jackpot Round: CHARACTERS

He says an automatic dud of T while on Jackpot. Second, Erika also misses w/ S. Third, Brooke collects $2,700 worth of three N’s and buys all of the available vowels (three E’s, two A’s, and three I’s via FP). She spins once more from three $900 C’s…

C I N _ E _ E _ _ A
& / _ _ I N C E
C _ A _ _ I N _

…and solves CINDERELLA & PRINCE CHARMING for $4,900.

DUDS: T (Andrew), S (Erika)

Mystery Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Erika leads off w/ a $350 S, two A’s and an N while on the MW next to LaT. She’s definitely risking her $100 remainder…$$$. She follows up w/ two $3,500 R’s, two E’s, but then D for dud while on the vegas.com gift tag, possibly costing her $16,850. Second, Brooke fills in a $300 M and gets the 1/2 CAR next to $900 w/ an H, but she then gives the plate and $800 right back to the BANKRUPT near top dollar. After that, Andrew spins twice for B ($900) and K ($350) singles…

_ _ E S _ _ _ N
M A R _
_ A H _ B E R _

…he doesn’t need to QUESTION MARK WAHLBERG, because he’s earned another $1,250.

SOLE DUD: D (Erika)

Andrew: $4,250/Erika: NIL/Brooke: $4,900

No Bonus Puzzle Flashback tonight.

Prize Puzzle Round: PHRASE

The first letters from Brooke are a FP O, a single $300 T, three $700 S’s and a dud vowel of E. Second, Andrew takes five N’s for $2,250 and buys the rest of the vowel department (two I’s and three U’s) before we see…

S T U N N I N _
S U _ _ O U N _ I N _ S

He wins another two grand plus a $5,700 trip to see the STUNNING SURROUNDINGS of CURACAO while at the Hyatt Regency Golf Resort, Spa and Marina.

SOLE DUD: E (Brooke)

Andrew: $11,950 cash and trip/Erika: ZIPPO/Brooke: $4,900


P I _ _
_ A _ S _ E S

Brooke’s up to $7,900 w/ PINK DAISIES.

Round 4: PLACE

Brooke’s initial letters are three N’s for $1,950, two O’s, and a couple A’s. Afterwards, she alternates between $700 and  FP on her subsequent spins (S, T, M, dud of H, R, C) w/ the last vowel of three I’s purchased after the S. Let’s see that board…

_ I C T O R I A N

…she finally solves VICTORIAN MANSION for $4,300.

SOLE DUD: H (Brooke)

Andrew: $11,950 cash and trip/Erika: GOOSEEGG ALERT/Brooke: $12,200

Speed-Up: THING

Consonants are worth $1,550 each (Pat’s LaT spin was edited out).

Andrew: 4 N’s
Erika: R
Brooke: 3 T’s
Andrew: S

_ / S _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ N T
_ _ N T R _ _ _ T _ _ N

Andrew’s wrong at the buzzer w/ A SIGNIFICANT INTRODUCTION.

Erika: D (DUD)
Brooke: C

_ / S _ _ N _ _ _ C _ N T
C _ N T R _ _ _ T _ _ N

Brooke also goofs w/ A SIGNIFICANT CONTRADICTION. Andrew then buys two A’s for free…

A / S _ _ N _ _ _ C A N T
C _ N T R _ _ _ T _ _ N

…he makes A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION for $7,750 and the win.

SOLE DUD: D (Erika)
DQs: 2 (Andrew and Brooke’s wrong answers)

Andrew: $19,700 cash and trip/Erika: $1K GOOSEEGG/Brooke: $12,200

GT: $32,900
BANKRUPT TRASH (plate excluded): $800

$100K Bonus Round

This guy’s cheering section is made up of his sister Paige, girlfriend Laura, and a female friend named Katie. The P envelope is what he will be taking.

Category: THINGS

There are two of these on your face…

_ _ E E _ _ _ N E S

CHPO are darn good choices…

C H E E _ _ O N E S

…and the losing streak is history! He solves CHEEKBONES for $30K (Jim: “Here’s a sight worth seeing”) and a final total of $49,700 cash and trip! That’s the 60th BR win of the season!

$5K SPIN ID: SD2876476

At the end, Pat brings out a 30th Anniv. portrait of the hosts and signs it for Andrew!


WoF Recap: April 17, 2013


Encore Clip (Sept. 12, 2003): The end of premiere week (Big Money Week)


P O L _ _ I Z E D
_ _ N _ L A _ _ E S

Rynnetta solves POLARIZED SUNGLASSES, and let’s meet our winner wannabes…

Rynnetta Garner: recruiter for a national retailer who likes to bake and cook from Flower Mound, TX; also, she and her husband Slade are Texas A&M Univ. sweethearts

Kathy McGann: SAHM with four children married to Michael for 10 years who likes to bake and hike from Hatfield, PA

Greg Wood: talent manager in the entertainment world married to Michael for 10 years and big Dallas Cowboys fan from Scotch Plains, NJ

$2K Toss-Up: PEOPLE

L _ _ _ _ _ S

Kathy gets WORLD LEADERS to spin first.

FEATURED TRIP: La Paz Waterfall Gardens in Costa Rica worth $6,100

Jackpot Round: SAME LETTER

Kathy picks up the Luggagepoint.com gift tag right away w/ an S and uses her initial $500 to buy two E’s and an A. She follows up w/ the SL of three T’s for $2,100, the leftover three I’s, but then the BANKRUPT near $2,500 to lose $2,850 cash and luggage. Second, Greg spins twice for three R’s and an L to give him $1,200 ($300 for each of those letters)…

T E R R I _ I _
T R A _ E L
T I _ S

…and he’s on the board w/ TERRIFIC TRAVEL TIPS.


Mystery Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Greg instantly cashes in $10,500 w/ three T’s and buys all five of the vowels (four E’s, I, two A’s, O, and U) before getting the same BANKRUPT that Kathy got to give back the $9,250 remainder. Second, Rynnetta picks up the WC w/ an R and calls a $350 N before saying S while on the MW next to LaT. She risks $850 and the card…BANKRUPT. Third, Kathy nearly completes the whole puzzle (four $900 H’s, $350 G, $800 D, two $500 C’s)…but she says L as the last consonant instead of the K. Greg won’t spin again…

T H R E A D – C O U N T
C A _ E

…and he solves HIGH THREAD-COUNT SHEET CAKE for the house minimum.

SOLE DUD: L (Kathy)
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Greg, Rynnetta)

Rynnetta: $1K/Kathy: $2K/Greg: $2,200

Bonus Puzzle Flashback (May 14, 1997): THING

OMDP was called by Sammy…

_ O _ R
_ _ N D

It’s part of a clock, but he didn’t solve HOUR HAND and left with only $2,200.

Prize Puzzle Round: THINGS

Here goes Rynnetta w/ a $300 S, two $350 N’s, four A’s, a FP O (it sounded like she was gonna say N first, but captions said “Eh — O”), and a D for the 1/2 CAR near $300, then she buys the other three vowels (I, two E’s, and four U’s), lights up four T’s and three R’s ($700 and $350, respectively), and LaTs out. Kathy then spins once for two L’s for $1,800

_ I S T O R _
_ U L T U R E / A N D
_ E A U T _

…and she’ll learn about the HISTORY, CULTURE, AND NATURAL BEAUTY of BUDAPEST, HUNGARY; this trip from Collette Vacations is worth $8,400.

SOLE LaT: Rynnetta

Rynnetta: $1K/Kathy: $12,200 cash and Hungary/Greg: $2,200

$3K Toss-Up: THE 80’s

T H _ / C O S _ Y
_ _ _ _

Rynnetta gets “THE COSBY SHOW” to move to $4K.

Round 4: PHRASE

After a null cycle, Rynnetta controls the entire round — two $650 T’s, two $500 R’s, O and A singles, three $800 S’s, two I’s, a $900 H, and four E’s.

_ O _ R / S E _ R E T / I S
S A _ E / _ I T H / _ E

She says “YOUR SECRET IS SAFE WITH ME” for $4,600 — TECH. PR.

Rynnetta: $8,600/Kathy: $12,200 cash and Hungary/Greg: $2,200


Consonants are worth $1,800 apiece. After Kathy starts w/ the L…

_ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _
_ _ / L _ _ _ _ _

…she goofs w/ THE STATUE OF LIBERTY.

Greg: R
Rynnetta: 2 T’s
Kathy: H

T H _ / T _ _ _ R
_ _ / L _ _ _ _ _

Kathy’s right this time w/ THE TOWER OF LONDON for $3,600.

SOLE DQ OF THE NIGHT: Kathy’s missolve

Rynnetta: $8,600/Kathy: $15,800 cash and Hungary/Greg: $2,200

GT: $26,600
BANKRUPT TRASH (WC excluded): $12,950 cash and luggage

(NOTE: The Dalmatian’s sitting near the telephone booth and London trip screen on this week’s set.)

$100K Bonus Round

Kathy needs to break this double-digit losing streak right now or we could possibly be on our way to breaking the all-time high of 17 straight losses. With her mom Anne and cousin Rob rooting her on, she lands on the C.

Category: PEOPLE

Up first in this big puzzle…

_ _ _ T _ R _ _ _ S
_ L _ _ E R S

CDMA won’t do much…

_ _ C T _ R _ _ _ S
_ L A _ E R S

…and she’s not another one of these VICTORIOUS PLAYERS in this segment, so goodbye $30K.

$5K SPIN ID: AH4439494

MY RATING: 5 (orig. a 6)

WoF Recap: April 16, 2013


Repeat Clip (May 5, 1999 from Philly): After solving GRAB A BITE (current BR win cue dubbed over the one back then), the male contestant kisses Pat’s shoes.


P _ C K
_ / S N A _ K

Sarah could PACK A SNACK, or possibly these people…

Sarah Wallace: a lady w/ one son who is expecting her second child and likes to spend time with family, crochet, and bake from Ft. Worth, TX

Clinton Childress: works at Panavision, moved six years ago from L.A. (orig. from Lexington, KY)

Rita Mercadante: hairstylist currently remodeling the house she bought w/ her fiancée Tyler from Reading, PA


_ I M O U S I _ E
_ R I _ E _

Clinton’s in control after solving LIMOUSINE DRIVER.

FEATURED TRIP: Palace Hotel in S.F. worth $5,200
Tues./Thurs. Gift Tag: Vegas.com
THIS WEEK’S 1/2 CAR: Fiesta S

Jackpot Round: PHRASE

Clinton starts w/ T for terrible. Second, Rita says three Jackpot S’s, buys an A but then BANKRUPTs near $650 to lose the $1,250 remainder. Third, Sarah LaTs out. Clinton next says the first letter of his name, but it’s also a dud. Rita then picks up the WC w/ the R, after which come a $350 L, six E’s, five $800 N’s, and two O’s. Board…

E _ E R _ O N E / _ S
O N / _ _ N S / A N _
N E E _ L E S

She says “EVERYONE IS ON PINS AND NEEDLES” for $4,350.

DUDS (both by Clinton): T, C
SOLE LaT: Sarah

Mystery Round: SAME NAME

Rita leads off w/ an R for the 1/2 CAR near $900 right away, a $450 S, two A’s, and a D for the MDW before she selects an N while on the MW near LaT. Surprisingly, she risks $700 and all that cardboard…boy, did she really blow it — that’s her second BANKRUPT of the night. Moving on, Sarah picks up the S.F. trip w/ the L, buys two E’s, but then misses w/ M. Third, Clinton takes two $500 T’s and gets the other 1/2 CAR near $300 w/ the C, but next is I for invalid. Rita LaTs out after calling a $400 B. Sarah next picks off a $450 P, buys the remaining two O’s and strikes out again w/ G. After Clinton BANKRUPTs near top dollar, Rita SPINGLES for the $600 H…

S H O _ E R / A N D

…and she finally gets SHOWER AND BOTTLE CAP for the house minimum — HORRIBLE SECOND SEGMENT.

DUDS: M (Sarah), I (Clinton), G (Sarah)
SOLE LaT: Rita
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Rita, Clinton)

Sarah: $1K/Clinton: $2K/Rita: $5,350

No Bonus Puzzle Flashback thanks to that long R2.

Prize Puzzle Round: EVENT

This round is much better, because it’s all Sarah — three $550 T’s, two E’s, a $650 R, four A’s, a $900 N trio, a $550 C, and the other three vowels (I, two O’s, and U).

U N _ O R _ E T T A _ _ E
_ A C A T I O N

In addition to another $2,500, she’s won AN UNFORGETTABLE VACATION at the Westin Dawn Beach Resort & Spa in ST. MAARTEN worth $8,265 — PR.

Sarah: $11,765 cash & trip/Clinton: $2K/Rita: $5,350


W _ O D _ N
_ A L A D / _ _ W _ S

Rita solves WOODEN SALAD BOWLS to go to $8,350.


Consonants will be worth $1,800 apiece.

Rita: R
Sarah: N
Clinton: T (DUD)
Rita: G
Sarah: L
Clinton: S
Rita: B
Sarah: C
Clinton: P
Rita: D (DUD)
Sarah: M

P L _ C _ _ N G / M _
_ _ _ B R _ _ S

Sarah’s PLUCKING MY EYEBROWS for $7,200 and the win.

DUDS: T (Clinton), D (Rita)

Sarah: $18,965 cash and trip/Clinton: $2K/Rita: $8,350

GT: $29,315
BANKRUPT TRASH (excluding extras): $1,950

$100K Bonus Round

The name of Sarah’s husband is Tim; she lands on the I of WIN.

Category: PLACE

This should be easy…

T _ R N _ _ _ E
E _ _ T

CMDU doesn’t do much…

T U R N _ _ _ E
E _ _ T

…and we have our third double-digit losing streak of the season, because she doesn’t take the TURNPIKE EXIT for the Audi.

$5K SPIN ID: WR5935307


WoF Recap: April 15, 2013

This is “Sightseeing Week” and we must thank several sources after I got pre-empted in my area due to coverage of the Boston Marathon explosions.


Encore Clip (Dec. 13, 2010): Pat’s face appears on Mt. Rushmore

$1K Toss-Up: THING

_ A N _ M A
H _ T

Steven solves PANAMA HAT, and let’s get to know him and the female opposition…

Steven Kaatz: Univ. of Maryland research administrator engaged to Ashley and plays lacrosse from Kensington, MD

Patrice Dupass: aerospace co. worker and Lakers fan who goes to Bible college and loves to travel from Los Angeles

Krystie Pironti: worker for the Yankees and a marketing student at Baruch College who has a boyfriend and two dogs from Queens, NY

$2K Toss-Up: SHOW BIZ

R A I S _ / T _ E
_ U _ T _ I N

Steve’s two for two w/ RAISE THE CURTAIN.

FEATURED TRIP: Earth River Expedition in Patagonia, Chile worth $9K
Mon./Wed./Fri. Gift Tag: LuggagePoint.com

Jackpot Round: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? (trolley car wipe)

He first calls two N’s for $900, but then BANKRUPTs near $650. Second, Patrice takes a $700 T but then buys the sole dud vowel of E. Third, Krystie picks up the WC w/ two obvious G’s and buys two I’s. It’s all her the rest of the way — two $600 H’s, two $700 R’s, two $500 L’s, and four O’s.

L O O _ I N G
T H R O _ G H
_ I N O _ _ L _ R _

She’s LOOKING THROUGH BINOCULARS at $4,100 deposited in her bank.

SOLE DUD: E (Patrice)

Mystery Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Patrice leads off w/ three $400 S’s, three $650 T’s and a single O, followed by two $300 R’s, two A’s, a $550 C, but then the same BANKRUPT to lose $3,800. Second, Krystie finds four L’s for $14K and uses the WC for an M…DUD. Third, Steven also lands on top dollar, but he misses w/ the D. Patrice’s next call of H isn’t there, so Krystie gets another shot. Here come a $650 N, one E, and a $3,500 K before she tries to solve…

A L L – S T A R
C A S T –
_ R O N / S K _ L L E T

ALL-STAR CAST-IRON SKILLET is right for $17,900!

DUDS: M (Krystie), D (Steven), H (Patrice)

Patrice: ZIP/Krystie: $22K/Steven: $3K

Bonus Puzzle Flashback (Apr. 7, 1998, Feb. 7, 2007, and March 17, 2011): THING

CDMA was called by Julie in ’98…

_ L A _ _ _ L E

…but she couldn’t get FLAGPOLE. In 2007 (Charleston, SC road trip), Becca Rhine nailed it for a $67K+ Winnebago and left w/ $128,177 cash and prizes ($61K from the maingame), but a lady from ’11 completely struck out w/ DBMI.

Prize Puzzle Round: SONG/ARTIST

It’s all Krystie — three B’s for the LuggagePoint.com gift tag, two $700 Y’s, two O’s, a $3,500 S, two $600 T’s, three E’s, and two $500 H’s.

_ / _ E T / _ _ O _ _ _
B Y / T H E / B E _ _ H

She solves “I GET AROUND” BY THE BEACH BOYS for $9,100 cash and luggage plus a trip to ST. THOMAS at the Frenchman’s Reef and Morning Star Beach Resort worth $6,676 — PR.

Patrice: BUPKIS/Krystie: $37,776 cash and prizes/Steven: $3K

$3K Toss-Up: PERSON

_ O _ P E T _ T I _ E
C Y C L I _ T

Patrice is finally off the schneid w/ COMPETITIVE CYCLIST.


Her first letters this round are two $400 T’s, two FP O’s, an E and S for sorry. Second for Krystie are four $350 N’s and R for roadblock. Third, Steven tacks on a $600 pair of D’s, but it’s Final Spin time…

T O / _ N _ _ N _ T _
_ N D / _ E _ O N D

…and the leftover consonants are worth $6K apiece! He puts up that Y…

T O / _ N _ _ N _ T Y
_ N D / _ E Y O N D

…and solves the Buzz Lightyear line “TO INFINITY AND BEYOND” for $12,600!

DUDS (both before Speed-Up): S (Patrice), R (Krystie)

Patrice: $3K/Krystie: $37,776 cash and prizes/Steven: $15,600

GT: $56,376

$100K Bonus Round

This week’s vehicle is a 2013 Audi A3. Krystie brought along her boyfriend and best friend; her envelope comes from that &.

Category: PLACE

She’ll need serious help in the second word…

S _ E N _ _
_ _ R _ _ _ _

CHDI fill in…

_ _ R _ _ _ _

…the entire first word, so she won’t be driving through a SCENIC PARKWAY in the Audi A3. Even if she chose CDMA, she still wouldn’t have gotten it.

$5K SPIN ID: KW6426861


Week 30 Stats

Total this Week: $183,564
Total for the Season: $7,541,076
BR Win Record: 59-91 (.393)   
Total Car Wins: 32
-1/2 Car: 15
-BR Car: 17  
$100,000 Wins-Losses: 4-3 
$1M Bonus Rounds: 6      
Perfect BR Weeks: 0      
Prize Wedge Wins: 31
Gift Tag Wins: 42 
Jackpot Wins: 11 
Mystery Wedge Wins: 11  
Found Mystery $10K-Bankrupt: 29-24
Mystery $10K was on $700: 37
Mystery $10K was on $300: 30
Mystery was Flipped-Declined: 53-13
Wild Card Usages
Maingame: 8 (1 on $500, 1 on $900, 2 on $2500, 4 on $3500)
BR: 16
FP Vowels/Consonants/Solves: 87/39/0 
5-Round Games: 35 
6-Round Games: 3
$6,000 FINAL SPINS: 14
Gooseegg Victims: 31 
Red Winners: 56 
Yellow Winners: 50
Blue Winners: 44
This Week’s Bankrupt Trash: $27,650*
Total Bankrupt Trash for the Season: $752,127*
Biggest Bankrupts: $27,100 (Sept. 24); $16,420 (Feb. 11); $15,960* (Dec. 3)
Season-Worst Bankrupt Trashes for One Night: $40,100* (Sept. 24); $28,200* (Nov. 16); $22,750* (Jan. 21)
Highest-Winning Totals: $147,000 (Dec. 28), $137,250 (Nov. 21), $129,600 (Oct. 17)      
Lowest-Winning Totals: $8,200 (April 12), $9,100 (Mar. 20), $9,550 (Jan. 22)
Highest Maingame Winnings: $74,772 (Dec. 28); $72,300 (Dec. 21); $58,580 (Dec. 13)
Lowest Maingame Winnings: $15,350 (Oct. 4); $17,450 (Mar. 14), $17,964 (Nov. 6)
Season-High Week: $377,702 (Week #15: Happy Holidays)
Season-Low Week: $151,104 (Week #6: Teachers Week)

WoF Recap: April 12, 2013

This week’s maingame has been pretty good thanks to the back-to-back Jackpot wins and smart car wins, but there hasn’t been a BR win so let’s hope we have a hero tonight.


Opening Flashback Clip (2010): Vanna cleans up on a beach from the Caribbean.

$1K Toss-Up: THING

S _ _ G _ E – _ N G I _ E
_ L A N _

Eric solves SINGLE-ENGINE PLANE. Friday’s panel has two men…

Eric Chan: UCLA graduate student getting his MBA at UCLA Anderson who likes to cook

Kelly Hafer: SAHM and part-time hairstylist with two sons who likes to motorcycle from Thornton, CO

Franklin Thom: big truck driver for the eastern U.S. and retired form the Army after 24 yrs. who’s a newlywed with four grown sons and plays accordion from Kernersville, NC (orig. from Chicago)

$2K Toss-Up: PERSON

_ _ I M E
_ _ _ I S _ E R

Kelly knows that Gordon Brown is an example of a PRIME MINISTER.

FEATURED ISLAND VACATION: New England Tour from Collette Vacations worth $5,358

Jackpot Round: THE 80’s

Kelly does a lot of work here — three $300 R’s, two E’s, three $550 S’s, two A’s, a $400 T, four I’s, two $600 L’s, and a dud vowel of O. Second, Franklin puts up the frontloading B for $600 but then BANKRUPTs near $650. Third, Eric LaTs out, and the light bulb goes on for Kelly

B R _ _ E / _ I L L I S
S T A R S / I _
_ I E / _ A R _

…she solves BRUCE WILLIS STARTS IN “DIE HARD” for $3,150.

SOLE DUD: O (Kelly)
SOLE LaT: Eric

Mystery Round: FOOD & DRINK

Franklin does some work ($900 T, four E’s, two $400 H’s, A, three $900 S’s) but then gets nailed by the same BANKRUPT he got before to lose $3,900. Second, Eric takes three $800 R’s, buys four O’s and an I, but then runs into the other normal BANKRUPT to give back $1,900. Third, Kelly picks off G ($400) and C ($350) singles but then gets Franklin’s BANKRUPT to toss aside $750. Franklin doesn’t want to take any chances…

S _ G A R
C O O _ I E S
_ R E S H / _ R O _
T H E / O _ E _

Should’ve gone for the F’s, because he solves SUGAR COOKIES FRESH FROM THE OVEN for the house minimum.

BANKRUPTS: 3 (whole panel)

Both men: $1K each/Kelly: $5,150

Bonus Puzzle Flashback (Mar. 11, 1993 and Nov. 19, 2007): THING

PCMI was called back in ’93 by Bernie…

_ I L L P _ _ E R

…but he didn’t have the WILLPOWER to solve this one. However, Paul Miano from ’07 chose CMPA and won $30K for a final total of $51,198 cash and trips during Heroes Week from NYC.

Prize Puzzle Round: SAME LETTER

Eric wastes a spin w/ the MDW’s left side. Second, Kelly calls out two $900 R’s, three E’s and the SL of four S’s (good for $2K), but next is a bad vowel of I. After that, it’s all Franklin — two $500 M’s, three U’s, and a $450 N.

S _ E _ _ _ _ U _ _ R
S U N S E _

He wins $1,200 and the chance to see a SPECTACULAR SUMMER SUNSET on the $6K caravan.com COSTA RICA TOUR (although he didn’t seem excited winning that).

SOLE DUD: I (Kelly)

Franklin: $8,200 cash and C.R./Eric: $1K/Kelly: $5,150

$3K Toss-Up: PHRASE

B A L _ _ _ I _ G
A _ T

Eric makes it through this BALANCING ACT to go to $4K.


Eric fills in the obvious -ING ending (two $300 N’s, two I’s, two $500 G’s), but time’s running out…

G _ I N G / _ _ _
_ I _ _ _ N _ _

…and the remaining consonants are worth $1,600 apiece.

Eric: 2 T’s
Kelly: H

G _ I N G / T H _
_ I _ T _ N _ _

Kelly’s GOING THE DISTANCE for $1,600, but she still loses.

Franklin: $8,200 cash and C.R./Eric: $4K/Kelly: $6,750

GT: a measly $18,950

$100K Bonus Round

Given the ugly maingame this evening, I don’t like Franklin’s chances here. With his newlywed wife Jenny watching, he lands on that W.

Category: THING

Here’s last letter of the first word…

_ _ _ E
_ _ _

BHPO is of limited help…

_ _ _ E
_ _ P

…and he doesn’t overcome a WIDE GAP of blank spaces, so he loses the $35K and we have a BR SHUTOUT FOR THE FOURTH TIME THIS SEASON. It also means that he’s the LOWEST-WINNING PLAYER THIS SEASON at $8,200. Things just NEVER got going on this episode, period.

$5K SPIN ID: GB9857956


WoF Recap: April 11, 2013


Opening Flashback Clip (1999 from Hawaii): Pat introduces an episode while he’s waterskiing.

$1K Toss-Up: THINGS

F _ R M A _
I N T _ _ _ _ _ _ I O _ S

Chad blanks out.

F _ R M A _
I N T _ _ _ _ C _ I O _ S

Lisa’s on the board first, and let’s do some FORMAL INTRODUCTIONS from left to right…

Lisa Segura: teacher taking some time off and mother of three children who likes to run from Austin, TX

Chad Bates: car salesman and weightlifter married for 8 1/2 years from Knoxville, TN

Shandra Carruthers: probation officer who likes to travel, shop, and make greeting cards from Inglewood, CA


M _ / T _ X
R E _ U R _

Shandra says she’s doing “MY TAX RETURN”.

FEATURED ISLAND GETAWAY: Fiji’s Treasure Island Resort worth $7,800


Shandra starts w/ nothing but the BANKRUPT near $650. Second, Lisa calls up two T’s for a $1,600 start, buys three E’s and two I’s, puts up a $300 D and two $650 N’s, and buys two O’s. Those are followed by a $2,500 L, the last vowel of two A’s, and the 1/2 CAR near the pink $900 w/ two R’s. We now have…

_ E R _ O N A L I _ E D
_ T A T I O N E R _

She solves PERSONALIZED STATIONERY for $5,700.


Mystery Round: MOVIE QUOTE

Lisa leads off w/ a $400 T and NINE A’s before hitting LaT, as does Chad. Third, Shandra uncovers two Y’s and will look behind the MW next to the MDWbut she’s BANKRUPTed for the second time tonight. Lisa takes things from here — a $600 W, the other 1/2 CAR w/ two N’s, two O’s, two $400 L’s, and two I’s. Here we go…

A / L O N _ / T I _ _
A _ O / I N / A
_ A L A _ Y / _ A _
_ A _ / A W A Y

…we have back-to-back smart car wins, because she solves the “Star Wars” line “A LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY” for a total of $16,380 cash and automobile!

LaTs: 2 (Lisa, Chad)

Lisa: $23,080 cash and smart car/Chad: NIL/Shandra: $2K

Bonus Puzzle Flashback (October 6, 1999): PERSON

BPMA wasn’t too helpful to Tina…

_ _ L L E A _ _ E

…but she solved COLLEAGUE just before the buzzer and won a trip to Colorado and Chevrolet Venture worth $33,915.

Prize Puzzle Round: FUN & GAMES

Chad strikes out instantly w/ the T. Second, Shandra does most of the work here — a $650 S, three E’s, three $900 N’s, two I’s, $500 G, two $300 L’s, two A’s, two $600 R’s, and the last vowel of two O’s.

E N _ O _ A _ L E
E A R L _ – _ O R N I N G
S _ I _

Sadly, she blanks on the last word. That will cost her $4,650, as Lisa will have an ENJOYABLE EARLY-MORNING SWIM at the Divi Dutch Village Beach Resort in ARUBA worth $6,034.

SOLE DUD: T (Chad)
SOLE DQ: Shandra’s last-word blanking

Lisa: $29,114 cash and prizes/Chad: ZILCH/Shandra: $2K

$3K Toss-Up: THE 80’s

C _ O _ _ _ _ L E
D _ N _ E E

Lisa’s over the $32K mark w/ “CROCODILE DUNDEE”.

Round 4: PHRASE

It’s all Lisa this round — five $500 T’s, four E’s, two O’s, and a $500 R.

T _ E / _ E _ T E R
O _ / _ T T E _ T _ O _

She’s obviously THE CENTER OF ATTENTION after pocketing another $2,500 — PR.

Lisa: $34,614 cash and prizes/Chad: GOOSEEGG ALERT/Shandra: $2K

Round 5: PEOPLE (one-word puzzle alert)

Chad fills in half of this puzzle (two $300 S’s, $500 T, A, $450 N), but it’s Speed-Up Mode time…

S _ N _ A T _ _ _ S

…and the three remaining consonants are worth $6K apiece!

Chad: P (DUD)
Shandra: R
Lisa: L (DUD)
Chad: H
Shandra: G (DUD)
Lisa: B

S _ N B A T H _ R S

Lisa gets SUNBATHERS for said Final Spin amount!

DUDS (all during Speed-Up): P (Chad), L (Lisa), G (Shandra)

Lisa: $40,614 cash and prizes/Chad: $1K GOOSEEGG/Shandra: $2K

NO BANKRUPT TRASH TONIGHT (does not include the $2K MW bribe)

$100K Bonus Round

What will Lisa add to her impressive haul? She has a hold of the R envelope. Her supporters BTW are two of her three children (daughter Avery and son Cameron), and two sons of a friend of hers named Logan & Ryan.

Category: PLACE

The ending letters of each word are as follows…

_ _ _ E
_ _ _ _ _ E

DMPI gives her…

_ _ M E
_ _ _ I _ E

She doesn’t win the $30K towards maybe buying a new HOME OFFICE (she had the right first word but then changed it to GAME). Unlike last night’s evil BR puzzle, this should’ve been solved, IMO.

$5K SPIN ID: AK0215589


WoF Recap: April 10, 2013


Encore Clip (early 90’s since this wasn’t dated): Pat and Vanna relaxing in a spa

$1K Toss-Up: PEOPLE

S E _ _ O _ E D
T R _ V _ _ _ R S

David solves SEASONED TRAVELERS. We’re going down the line in interviewing the two men and lady on this Hump Day…

David Rigsby: design engineer who draws blueprints for building for the electrical-engineering systems married 13 years to Karen w/ three children from Austin, TX

Sandy Wenger: chaplain at the University Hospital in Cincinnati who’s been writing her autobiography and likes to watercolor paint from Walton, KY

Ben Schwartzman: UCLA grad student in his second yr. researching autism from L.A.; he even does a rap on-air of the hybrid car he owns


P _ _ _ I _ G / B Y
T _ E / R _ L E _

David is indeed PLAYING BY THE RULES, so he’s tripled his money.

FEATURED TRIP: Costa Caribbean Cruise worth $5,500

Jackpot Round: PROPER NAME

He starts w/ a T for the 1/2 CAR next to $300, two $500 N’s, and three E’s, followed by two $300 R’s, four I’s and an O, three S’s for the WC, the last of the vowels (double A’s) and two G’s while on Jackpot. Here’s what we have now…

S I N G E R –
S O N G _ R I T E R
A _ I _ I A / _ E _ S

She sang the national anthem at this year’s Super Bowl, and he knows that’s SINGER-SONGWRITER ALICIA KEYS for another Jackpot win at $7,300! His total that round is $11,200 — PR.

Mystery Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Sandy’s first w/ T for trouble. Second, Ben picks up the cruise w/ an R, buys two E’s, but then repeats the T while on the same 1/2 CAR (he wanted to pick the S, but it was too late). Third, David LaTs out. We’re back to Sandy who calls for two $600 Y’s, three O’s and U’s, an M for the same 1/2 CAR but then a not-so-good consonant in G. Ben follows up w/ four $900 S’s and an I, but he then gets nailed by the BANKRUPT near $650 to forfeit $3,600 plus the cruise. After that, David inserts two $350 H’s, the last vowel of two A’s, and the other 1/2 CAR from an L. Near-complete board…

M Y / H O U S E
I S / Y O U R
S A L A _

…he solves “MY HOUSE IS YOUR HOUSE” SALAD for $950 and that smart car for a total of $15,280 in that round alone!

DUDS (both by Sandy): T, G
SOLE LaT: David
SOLE DQ: Ben’s T repeat

David: $29,480 cash and car WC/Everybody else: $0 each

No Bonus Puzzle Flashback tonight thanks to a lengthy R2 as well as the plug on the 1/2 CAR prize.

Prize Puzzle Round: RHYME TIME

Ben wastes a spin w/ the MDW’s left side. Second, David strikes out w/ the T. Third, Sandy picks off a $700 M and two I’s, but she also repeats the T. Ben tries again w/ a $350 N, three E’s, a $500 G and two A’s, but the same normal BANKRUPT wipes the $350 off his screen. David then puts up three $350 R’s and five O’s…

I ‘ M / _ O O _ I N G
O _ E R
A / _ O _ R – _ E A _
_ _ O _ E R

…and says “I’M LOOKING OVER A FOUR-LEAF CLOVER” for $800 plus a Brendan Worldwide Vacation to IRELAND w/ the Hotwire.com travel worth $5,880, giving him $6,680 that round.

SOLE DUD: T (David)
BANKRUPTS: 2 (both by Ben)
SOLE DQ: Sandy’s T duplication

David: $36,160 cash and prizes WC/Everybody else: GOOSEEGG ALERT

$3K Toss-Up: SHOW BIZ

T H E / B I G
S C R _ E N

Sandy was about to spoil David’s bid for a sweep, but said red player is up to $39,160 on THE BIG SCREEN!

Speed-Up: FOOD & DRINK

Consonants are worth $1,550 each.

David: 2 N’s
Sandy: D
Ben: R
David: 2 S’s
Sandy: G
Ben: 3 T’s
David: 2 A’s
Sandy: W
Ben: 5 E’s

S T R _ N G / _ _ _ _ E E
A N D / S W E E T / T E A

No maingame sweep for David tonight, because Ben drinks up some STRONG COFFEE AND SWEET TEA for his only $6,200 on the night.

David: $39,160 cash and prizes WC/Sandy: $1K GOOSEEGG/Ben: $6,200

GT: $46,360
BANKRUPT TRASH: $9,600 cash and cruise

$100K Bonus Round

With his mom-in-law Linda watching, David’s envelope will be the second A of AMERICA’S.

Category: THING

I think the first word’s a gimme…

S _ _ R T
_ _ _ _

HCDO and P fill in…

_ _ _ _

…the entire first word, and he flunks this SHORT QUIZ (he quietly thought it was SHORT WALK). That means no second car for him (the Miata).

$5K SPIN ID: MB7633546