Daytime WoF Recap: May 6, 1991

This was the start of Mother’s Day week where moms and one of their children played. The copy I watched cut out most of the interviews due to a special report. The teams were Jean & Stephanie, Josh & Joanne, and Brendan & Arlene Muldoon (Brendan was a senior at Hinsdale South High School who worked at  video game hotline; Arlene was a mom of four children and soon to be a first-time grandmother).

FEATURED PRIZE: Villa del Palmar Oceanfront Resort in Puerto Vallarta worth $1,550 (MEXICO) 

Round 1: PLACE

J & S: instant dud of L

J & J: $200 R pair (the buzzer mistakenly sounded), two T’s of MEXICO, L repeat

Muldoons: $600 H trio, five E’s, $500 S pair, $125 W, solve…

T H E / W H _ T E
H _ _ S E 
R _ S E / _ _ R _ E _ 

They solved THE WHITE HOUSE ROSE GARDEN for $1,125.

FEATURED PRIZE #2: Jean Roulet gold overlay clock worth $795 (CLOCK) 

Round 2: PHRASE

J & J: $400 T pair, $100 H, one E, $300 R pair, S for sorry 

Muldoons: $375 N trio, $150 G, two I’s, $250 D, LaT

J & S: $200 M, $125 K, solve…

N _ T / T H E 
M _ R R _ I N G 
K I N D 

J & S solved NOT THE MARRYING KIND for $325.

J & S: $325/J & J: ZERO/Muldoons: $1,125

FEATURED PRIZE #3: Chromcraft dining setup, Landes serving set, and Archway cookies worth $2,458 (DINE)


Muldoons: $250 T, $1,200 N pair, no S on CLOCK

J & S: $1,200 R pair, $400 Y pair, B for bad

J & J: $100 M, $150 D, $100 L, three E’s, $300 K, BANKRUPT near $150 (lost $550)

Muldoons: $150 C, four O’s and three U’s, $600 P trio (NMC), solve…

P O L _ R O _ D
P _ C T U R E / Y O U
U P O N / M Y / K N E E

They solved POLAROID PICTURE YOU UPON MY KNEE for two grand.

J & S: $325/J & J: ZILCH/Muldoons: $3,125

Speed-Up: THINGS

Consonants were worth $100 apiece.

J & S: S
J & J: T
Muldoons: 2 R’s
J & S: N (DUD)
J & J: 2 L’s
Muldoons: H
J & S: F

L _ _ T H _ R
L _ _ F _ R S 

J & S solved the WAYW? item of LEATHER LOAFERS for $200.

Round 1L (J & S)J & J’s L repeat
Round 2S (J & J)Muldoons
Round 3S (Muldoons), B (J & S)J & J
Round 4N (J & S)

J & S: $525/J & J: PARTING GIFTS/Muldoons: $3,125

GT: $3,650

Bonus Round

The Muldoons played for the Chrysler Plymouth Sundance America worth $8,363.

Category: THING

Here’s one of four…

_ _ E _ 

Brendan picked a great time to choose CDMA…

_ D E A

…and they came up w/ a great IDEA to win the car and a final total of  $11,488 cash & car! 


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