Daytime WoF Recap: January 11, 1991 — CBS Finale

This was the last time the show aired on the CBS daytime schedule before it moved back to the NBC schedule the next week.

Brenna Anderson: real estate seller and mom of two daughters from Hemet, CA

Jim Riley: manger of a landscape warehouse and father of two young boys

Sonja Kinman: 1-day champ w/ $4,350

Round 1: THING

Everybody: no N, no T and LaT, respectively 

Brenna: $300 R trio, $800 S pair, three E’s, $175 C, solve…

_ R E S S _ R E
C _ _ _ E R

She solved the IN THE KITCHEN item of PRESSURE COOKER for $1,175.

FEATURED PRIZE: Service Merchandise GC used to by Salvador Dali perfumes worth $400 (SHOP)

Round 2: SAME NAME

Jim: $300 N pair, T for turnover

Sonja: $150 S, one O, $300 H trio, $400 G, two D’s for SHOP, $100 W, one U…

H U G H / & 
H _ N D – _ _ – 

…but she BOMBED OUT thinking the last remaining consonant was an R to throw away $1,150 cash & shop — really, ma’am?! -__- Sonja then said M for $100

H U G H / & 
H _ N D – M _ – 

…and solved HUGH & HAND-ME-DOWNS.

Brenna: $1,275/Others: $0 each

FEATURED PRIZE #2: Allen-Edmonds shoes, Augustus suit, and Jantzen sweaters worth $2,045 (NEW MAN)


Sonja: $300 N pair, D for dud

Brenna: $150 T, $100 S (close call), two A’s, $250 K (just dodged LaT), one E, $200 G pair, solve…

_ _ _ G E N 
T A N K 
_ _ / G A S

She solved OXYGEN TANK OF GAS for $500.

Brenna: $1,775/Others: ZERO a head

Round 4: PHRASE

Brenna: BANKRUPT near $150

Jim: $100 T, S for strikeout 

Sonja: $100 T, obvious U, $100 R, one E, C for crud

Brenna: other BANKRUPT near $100

Jim: $300 N, one A, $150 H, one L for NEW MAN, solve…

L A T H E R _ N _ 

He solved LATHERING UP for $450 and the New Man package.

Brenna: $1,775/Jim: $2,495 cash & new man/Sonja: ZILCH

FEATURED PRIZE #3: TRIP to Pan Pacific Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia + Pegasus luggage worth $3,244


Jim: BANKRUPT near $150

Sonja: $750 N, no S

Brenna: no T

Jim: $500 R, $200 D pair, same BANKRUPT (lost $700)

Sonja: one E, not-so-victorious V call

Brenna: no M

Jim: one Y for TRIP, lost it right back to BANKRUPT near $100

Sonja: spun just as the SPEED-UP bells rang and no H

R _ _ E
_ _ D D Y
_ _ _ _ N

Consonants were worth $150 apiece. Brenna then said C…

R _ C E
_ _ D D Y
_ _ _ _ N

…and solved RICE PADDY WAGON.

Round 1N (Brenna), T (Jim)Sonja
Round 2T (Jim), R (Sonja)
Round 3D (Sonja)
Round 4S (Jim), C (Sonja)2 (Brenna)
Round 5S, V, H (Sonja)
T, M (Brenna)
3 (Jim)

Brenna: $1,925/Jim: $2,495 cash & new man/Sonja: SHUTOUT (left w/ $4,350)

GT: $4,420
Jim’s BANKRUPT TRASH: $3,944 cash & trip

Bonus Round

Jim’s playing for the five grand.

Category: TITLE

This is a country song made famous by Roger Miller…

_ _ N _
_ _ / T_ E
R _ _ _

HMDO gave him besides the obvious H…

_ _ N _
O _ / T H E
R O _ D

He flubbed w/ LONG ON THE ROAD, but a later rebounded w/ “KING OF THE ROAD” for the cash and a 1-day total of $7,495 cash and wardrobe. He was greeted by wife Diane and sons Michael and Steven.


One thought on “Daytime WoF Recap: January 11, 1991 — CBS Finale

  1. Friendship Feed June 27, 2024 / 9:48 pm

    The last episode of CBS was not so good (12 duds, six penalty hits), but at least the BR rebound did wrapped up in a manner, better than nothing though.


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