Season 41 Summer Rerun Schedule

Pat’s final season as host is coming to an end, so here’s the list of S41 summer rerun weeks.

Jun. 10-14: Sand and Sea that aired Jan. 22-26

On Monday, we had no penalty spins. Jeremy Wilson cleaned up nicely with $39,080 cash & Barbados plus the WC and he won the $44,735 2024 Mustang Ecoboost Premium in the BR for TIDYING UP THE HOUSE.

On Tuesday, Marilyn Campos’ name tag came loose in Round 1. She handed it to Pat and he fixed it before the start of the next round. Before the first commercial break, there was a Wheel Winners segment of Scott Kolbrenner who won $145K on Mar. 18, 2021 and donated all his cash winnings to Pacific Clinics and the L.A. Regional Food Bank. The third Triple Toss-Up READING GLASSES was categorized as AROUND THE HOUSE instead of WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?. We had a MDBR #5 by Micah White, but she was unable to eat those FLUFFY FLAPJACKS for…


On Wednesday, there was another Wheel Winners segment of Roger & Toni Bushong from Valentine’s Day 2023 who won a brand-new Mercedes-Benz GLA 250 in the BR; they’ve never had a brand-new car before and they love it (their final vehicle color was white instead of the red one on the set). Dustin Downing a.k.a. dudotx on Discord did a fine job in the maingame even though Deanna Palmer overtook him in the end. But I’m SPEAKING FRANKLY to you that she only got the first word towards the end of the timer, and she wasn’t the second Mustang convertible owner this week.

Thursday’s maingame wasn’t the best aside from a 5-round game, but not too bad, either. Reesa Cooper, who lucked out thanks to the Prize Puzzle says “I WANT TO BUY A FEW THINGS”, and she’ll certainly do so with $40K.

Friday’s episode was pre-empted in some CBS stations including Andy’s due to coverage of the Farmer’s Insurance Open. There were too many duds to end the week, but Carla Householder’s Triple Toss-Up sweep and perfect letter combo were the highlights. I JUMPED AT THE CHANCE to see her win $40K and secure a winning BR week.

Overall, an ok week besides Jeremy’s dominance on Monday.

Jun. 17-21: Fabulous Food that aired Mar. 4-8

Nickskapower covered this week in its entirety since he’s a foodie.

This week didn’t get off to the best start and Stephen Sanders needed the PP to win, which meant bad news for the BR. That proved to be the case when he was unable to solve SUPPORTIVE COLLEAGUE for $40K since he only got help from his vowel. In the postgame chat, we saw various vintage clips of Pat and Vanna eating various types of food.

On Tuesday, Joey Covey hopped on EXPRESS with just one consonant left (the C in COMPARING APPLES TO ORANGES). He went on to take both the MDW (MDBR #6) and WC to the BR, but he wasn’t STAYING ABOVE THE FRAY to win…


In the postgame chat, we saw vintage clips of Pat and Vanna stuffing their faces with cream puffs and pies.

On Wednesday, we saw a WoF memories clip of Pat and Vanna eating hot dogs from Johnny Pastrami’s on Oct. 19 from last season. Courtney Tibaldi had a nice maingame performance and was the second player in a row to take both cardboard pieces to the BR. She admitted “I AM LOVING LIFE RIGHT NOW” for…


On Thursday, Sonta Henderson solved the second Triple Toss-Up MAIN HALLWAY with only the Y revealed. It was Temika Irving who had yet another dominant performance in the maingame and she was the third player in a row to take the WC to the BR. However, she didn’t realize that the puzzle board WORKS LIKE MAGIC for $40K.

On Friday, we had a rough Round 1, but Ryan McAdams cleaned up nicely like the previous three winners (albeit by a smaller extent) and he was the FOURTH player in a row to take the WC to the BR. Although he didn’t win $40K (second consecutive minimum sweep and fourth this season) in the BR due to limited help, YOU SHOULD BE PROUD of him. In the postgame chat, we saw a clip from 2016 of Vanna promoting the closed captioning plug while Pat was eating butter.

Not a bad week overall compared to last season’s edition thanks to some dominant performances this week aside from Monday, even though we went 1-4 on BR wins.

Jun. 24-28: Collette Show You the World that aired Jan. 8-12

This week got off to a TERRIBLE start. Even though there weren’t too many penalties, things started to fall apart when Kelly Kozlowski got slapped with a painful BANKRUPT in the Mystery Round to deprive her of $11,648 cash & Alaska trip. In the end, Christine Petrivelli needed the PP to win and she lost the BMW X1 in the BR since she hasn’t checked her DAILY HOROSCOPE.

On Tuesday, we had a tight match between Brian Parker and Ashley McFarland. Brooklyn Olumba, on the other hand, got a painful BANKRUPT in the Mystery Round to deprive her of $16,100 cash & Patagonia trip. It was Ashley who won the match, but she wouldn’t be BROWSING THE AISLES (which has at least one of each freebie letter and reveals more than half the answer) and collecting the keys to the BMW X1. In the postgame chat, we saw photos of contestant Tricia Scaglione’s trip to Croatia from Jan. 18, 2023.

On Wednesday, Diana Ardehali cleaned up from the Prize Puzzle onwards but was unable to solve her BR puzzle ON A WHIM, and the BMW X1 was lost yet again.

On Thursday, Resti Magtoto finished in second place with $22,998. The winner TaRhea Marshall, however, wouldn’t be ordering BAGELS & DOUGHNUTS in the BMW X1 despite getting a complete first word (also the first time since Apr. 17, 2009 where an ampersand appears here).

On Friday, we had another tight match between LaVonda Sharp and Casey Frederick. And after an all-male sweep from the S38 edition of this theme, we got ourselves an all-female sweep on this season’s edition. Even though LaVonda lucked out thanks to the PP, she was able to MAKE A WISE CHOICE of letters in the BR to kick out the skunk and complete the car landing sweep (first time since The Good Life week in early S28)!

Thank goodness for her in saving us on a rather interesting week this was- the first car sweep in over 13 years plus an all-female sweep.

Jul. 1-5: Great American Cities that aired Apr. 1-5

On April Fool’s Day, Jared Leto appeared in place of Pat during the intro and was introduced by Jim. Jared also introduced the first Toss-Up, but Pat’s voice was heard prompting the contestant for an answer (although it’s possible that they’ll use a normal intro instead). Afterwards, Pat remained in place, and the prank was not acknowledged. Also, this episode was taped using the Winter Wonderland set on Oct. 27, as Jared Leto was present in the studio to film a skit promoting Thirty Seconds to Mars’ upcoming world tour. Alicia Gregg solved the $2K Toss-Up THE JOKER IS WILD without ringing in. But Kylee Hatch made a BIG FOOL of herself especially in the Mystery Round when she thought there was a West Coast city called SUN FRUNCISCO, hence the U purchase to cost her $12,450 including the $10K MW. She ended up with the DESERVING $1K GOOSEEGG award by Andy as a result. In the end, Alicia ate a piece of DRIED PAPAYA for $40K.

On Tuesday, Pat gave Willie Harris his necktie at the end of the maingame, and during the postgame chat, we saw clips of various road shows from the past. However, this episode just plain sucked. We had a low-scoring game, and because Lauren Mailhiot didn’t remember her collective pronouns, A POD OF DOLPHINS swam away with the $40K she could’ve won and we set a new SEASON-LOW in winnings for a single episode.

On Wednesday, there was a WoF Memories clip of Pat attaching a $1 to the left of Diane’s scoreboard on Oct. 23, 1989, which was cut off from Canadian broadcasts for unknown reasons. This was an improvement over yesterday’s disaster, but the messy PP/Express Round and the fact that Sherold Haynes was really ON SHAKY GROUND in the BR since the PP mattered for her to win and lost $40K brought this episode back down to average.

On Thursday, even though we had all three contestants finishing with $10K+, we had this in the PP/Express Round…

T H E / E N T R A N C E
T _ / A / C A _ T _ E

Kim Weisenberg BOMBED OUT BIG TIME with a CRITICAL PURCHASE OF U to throw away $17,300– seriously, ma’am?! Though Ryan Skinner won with an all-cash total, he didn’t prove to be an AVID FAN of the show and also lost $40K.

Pat taped his final episode on Friday. This maingame was ok, and Kiley Klug would CHECK YOUR HER INBOX telling her that she won $40K (fifth minimum sweep this season).

It was nice that we started off that month with two BR wins, but Tuesday’s massacre and that EPIC FAIL vowel purchase on Thursday left something to be desired.

Jul. 8-12Wheel Around the World that aired Jan. 29-Feb. 2

I covered the first three episodes, and this was the last time this season where Andy assigned some recaps for another admin without a provided reason.

This week got off to a poor start even though we had no monetary BANKRUPT trash and Nicole Paynter solved the third Triple Toss-Up A DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH with only the second N revealed. Because Ryan DiMarco couldn’t solve his BR puzzle, WE CAN(not) BOUNCE BACK from this episode with him winning the Infiniti QX50 and he went down as the second lowest-winning champ of the season with just $11,550 cash & trip.

Tuesday was pretty much the same story. Round 1 was a pain to watch, and late in the round, Corey Colwill BOMBED OUT thinking the last vowel was U thinking the first half of the puzzle was ORCHESTRA PUT. In the round after that, Latonya Tatum cashed in $21K from 6 N’s, but she really dropped the ball on both her chances. And like yesterday, the Prize Puzzle mattered for Megan Carvale to win which meant bad news for the BR, and it showed when this PINK ORCHID wilted along with $40K.

On Wednesday, the show opened with a shot of the UK’s then-new version of the show: host Graham Norton walked out on the set of the UK version and mentioned Wheel Around the World Week then threw to Pat and Vanna, who were shown standing at center stage on the American version’s set. The $2K Toss-Up OUT-OF-OFFICE NOTIFICATION tied for the longest Toss-Up in terms of overall spaces, using 25 of the 52 spaces on the board. We saw a WoF Memories clip of Pat and Vanna in Portugal from 2018. Everyone finished with five figures in this episode with Kelsie Grant finishing third with $16,500 cash & HI. But Tonniece Greene didn’t win $40K towards going to a HOLIDAY BASH.

On Thursday, Shalocmont Jacobs’ BIG PR in the PP/Express Round made up for a slow first half, but IT’S BEYOND ME why some people like her try to fill in the obvious, and because she didn’t get enough help in the key word where she needed it most…


Although we had another nice five-figure match like Wednesday with Joel Crandall finishing second with $21,640 cash & trips, Pam Keel wouldn’t INQUIRE WITHIN at the car dealership about her new Infiniti QX50, and we’ve been SKUNKED on this theme for the first time S34 (and second overall this season).

Aside from the five-figure matches on Wednesday and Friday, everything else left something to be desired.

Jul. 15-19: Destination Relaxation that aired Apr. 22-26

We got off to a good start this week with a triple $10K+ match with Jeff Commings winning $50K in the BR towards going to a PICNIC PAVILION. We saw a Wheel Winners segment of Rana Aryan from New Year’s Eve 2021 who won a PP trip to Costa Rica and took husband Adam there.

On Tuesday, the camera cut away too soon during the first Toss-Up, showing a brief shot of Vanna getting in place at the puzzle board before the wipe appears. Vanna was shown on-camera during the contestant interviews due Laura Trombino saying that she met Pat and Vanna shooting promos while on her honeymoon. Mikeya Trombino’s microphone shorted out when the R’s were revealed in the Mystery Round resulting in a five-minute pause in recording before her microphone is fixed and the reveal of the R’s was reshot. After that round, there was a bumper where a partially revealed puzzle themed to travel is shown with Jim saying via voiceover, “Can you solve this special Holland America Line puzzle?”. Laura cleaned up nicely, but she was unable to solve WHIRLWIND YEAR for $40K because she picked THING.

On Wednesday, Jim appeared on-camera before the Prize copy. After Alex Harrell won the prize in the Mystery Round, Pat began to throw to Jim before realizing he already read the copy, at which point Jim was shown on-camera a second time. We saw a WoF Memories clip of Pat and Vanna sitting in a hot tub in 1991 (which, as usual, was incorrectly dated to “the 1980s”). Alex cleaned up nicely in the first half of this BANKRUPT-free game, and ate up some TAPIOCA PUDDING for $40K!

Thursday was definitely a step down from the previous episodes this week, although we had a decent match between the ladies. Some episodes can be KIND OF WEIRD when people make questionable decisions while on stage, and this Shannon Schneider didn’t win $40K.

Oh boy, Friday sure threw this week down the toilet. -___- Things started to go wrong when we had this in Round 1…

T I _ _ E T S
T R A I _ S / &
T R A _ S

Kate Metz decided to spin again… and SHE PAINFULLY BANKRUPTED NEAR $2,500 TO FLUSH AWAY $29,750!!! Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. -___- The next two rounds were filled with penalties, and although she made a $10,500 comeback win in the end, she was unable to untangle this amount from this HONEYSUCKLE


In the postgame chat, Pat showed the correct pronunciation of Antigua on his cue card.

This week started off promising but took a really deep nosedive towards the end.

10 thoughts on “Season 41 Summer Rerun Schedule

  1. Friendship Feed May 23, 2024 / 9:52 pm

    The next rerun week will be lovely for Nick and JP (if he is reading)- Fabulous Food will be up and that had pretty gopd lineup and one of only a few $40K sweeps despite going 1-4.


  2. Friendship Feed May 31, 2024 / 6:07 am

    The third rerun week will feature the first of the two BR car sweeps this season, but we also got to thank LaVonda for making this happen and as well saving said set from a skunking. And that said episode inspired us to buy Under Night in-birth now, yeah?


    • Friendship Feed May 31, 2024 / 9:19 pm

      Just for the rather curious if you know what we meant (namely because FRENCH BREAD was one of the triple tossup puzzles which is also a name of a video game developer in Japan):


  3. Friendship Feed June 6, 2024 / 11:08 pm

    Next reruns for the summer is the justaposed GAC week where we had another $40K sweep and the opener (but we dunno if they edit out Jared Leto’s appearances), but we do know Alicia cleared the jokers on the start.


  4. Friendship Feed June 13, 2024 / 8:57 pm

    Reruns of CWOF since Memorial Day will be noted here and just in caae. All are at 8 PM ET/PT.

    Mon, May 27: Lauren Lapkus/Ego Nwodim/Jeff Ross (409)
    Tue, May 28: Danielle Pinnock/Gabriel Iglesias/Noah Mills (402)

    Mon, June 3: Kel Mitchell/Kim Fields/Penn Jillette (401)
    Tue, June 4: Brendan Hunt/Melissa Villaseñor/Joe Buck (403)
    Wed, June 5: Rashad Jennings/Marcellus Wiley/Jared Allen (406)
    Fri, June 7: Vanna White/Mayim Bialik/Ken Jennings (311)

    Mon, July 1: Sarah Levy/Christian Siriano/Krysten Ritter (410)
    Tue, July 2: Neil deGrasse Tyson/Robin Thede/Tony Hale (408)


  5. Friendship Feed June 13, 2024 / 10:07 pm

    The next summer rerun week came and We hate to be the bearer of the bad news but the S34-expy of Around The World will be next and what Robert Santoli said was correct: “All losses including a $100K. No thanks.”


  6. Friendship Feed June 20, 2024 / 9:33 pm

    The next rerun week will be the very interesting Destination Relaxation, but we know what really happened on Friday when we played a part on not wanting any reprise of the similar incident (well, please get over it).

    But whoever’s in charge of the reruns, you made a big mistake on your part. -___- 🤦🏻‍♂️


  7. Friendship Feed June 27, 2024 / 10:22 pm

    We just got a word for the week 7 reruns- Great Outdoors which will feature yet another MW win on Monday and the dreaded Friday episode.


    • Friendship Feed June 27, 2024 / 10:37 pm

      BTW, Andy, we coined Hawaii28-gate, which named after the portmanteau of the S39 Hawaii and Feb 8 incident. Is this alright?

      Liked by 1 person

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