WoF Retro Recap: May 16, 1996


Melody Anderson: attorney who enjoys volleyball, and country dancing (but not line dancing) from Redondo Beach, CA

Staci Lopossa: senior at Chico Sate getting her B.A. in May (but she also had another year) form Orange, CA

Angel Parr: 1-day camp w/ $8,200 from Houston, TX


Round 1: PHRASE

Melody: two T’s for $400, $400 H, three E’s, R for rats on SURPRISE

Staci: D for dud

Angel: $600 C pair, N for negative

Melody: three S’s for $3K, solve…

T H E / _ E _
T _ / S _ C C E S S

THE KEY TO SUCCESS on this show is to choose smart letters and solve puzzles, and Melody solved for $3,550.

Round 2: PERSON

Staci: one R for SURPRISE, baffling dud of Y

Angel: LaT

Melody: $1,600 N pair (both red/blue), $600 S (that’s red/blue), dud vowel of O

Staci: $200 L, another baffling dud of K

Where is she getting them from?! -___-

Angel: Y repeat

Melody: C for crud

Staci: $900 T pair (one’s red/blue), two I’s (one red/blue), W for worthless on $1K

Angel: $200 B (NMC)

_ L B _ R T
_ I N S T _ I N

She IDed ALBERT EINSTEIN for the house minimum. And here’s your Olympic-themed word…

_ _ _ E _ T
_ I N S _ _ _ N

Melody: $3,550/Staci: ZERO/Angel: $200

Round 3: THING

Angel: $10K’s right side right away

Melody: two N’s for $10K, $200 G, two R’s for DOUBLE PLAY and used right away…$900 x 2 but no T

Staci: no D on $1,500

Angel: $700 S pair, one I, C’s no good here

Melody: $200 M, A for awful

Staci: $550 H, yet another headscratching call of Y

Angel: BANKRUPT near $1,500 (lost $450)

Melody: one P for HI TECH, CRITICAL DUD of B for bad ($10,150 + HI TECH in jeopardy)

Staci: two O’s, $500 L, F for flunk

Angel: $500 W, $200 V (NMC)

O V _ R W H _ L M I N G
R _ S P O N S _

My OVERWHELMING RESPONSE to this round is…what happened?! Angel mercifully solved for $700.

Melody: $3,550/Staci: BIG TROUBLE/Angel: $900


Consonants in this ugly affair were worth $500 apiece (not quite to the big one).

Melody: 3 R’s
Staci: S
Angel: 3 T’s
Melody: L (DUD)
Staci: D (DUD)
Angel: 2 C’s
Melody: F

F _ _ T _ _ R
_ _ _
C _ _ S T R _ C T _ R

Before Vanna lit up the F, Melody solved FEATHER BOA CONSTRICTOR for $2K.

Round 1R (Melody), D (Staci), N (Angel)
Round 2Y, K, W (Staci)
O, C (Melody)
AngelAngel‘s Y repeat
Round 3T, A, B (Melody)
D, Y, F (Staci)
C (Angel)
2 (Angel)
Round 4L (Melody), D (Staci)

: $5,550/Staci: DESERVING PARTING GIFTS/Angel: $900 (out w/ $9,100)

I didn’t want to do this Staci, but your trajectory in picking letters was well off the mark. -___-

GT: a dismal $6,450

Bonus Round

From -HE-L, Melody chose the E.

Category: THING

Just the T so start this short one…

_ _ _ T

She picked a great time to frontload the alphabet (CBDA)…

B A _ T

She scared us w/ BAT, but she thankfully didn’t fall as live BAIT, and she won the trip to Holland & more (this is to Holland, Belgium and Paris) from Bombard Balloon Adventures worth $27,900, giving her a 1-day total of $33,450 cash & prizes. She was greeted by her friend Kristin.


2 thoughts on “WoF Retro Recap: May 16, 1996

  1. Richard Corliss July 22, 2022 / 5:27 pm



  2. JL323 July 27, 2022 / 5:53 pm

    Yeah… that front game was not pretty at all. And what was with Staci’s arcane letter calls?! šŸ˜  She DESERVED to leave with the parting gifts as a result.

    At least the BANKRUPT trash wasn’t too high and Melody avoided falling for theĀ BAIT to salvage this episode and win the Holland & more trips in the BR.

    My Rating: 5


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