WoF Retro Recap: December 5, 1995

Start of the week of Dec. 4, 1995


Ben Spielman: 1-day champ w/ $33,008

Rosemarie Ranieri: astrologer and short story writer married w/ two daughters and five grandkids from Brigantine, NJ

Lynette Roberts: data processing worker and mom of two kids and four grandkids from New York

Round 1: THING

Ben: $900 R pair, $1K T pair, three I’s and two O’s, $1,400 T pair, solve…

_ R I _ _
I N T R O _ _ _ T I O N

After a BRIEF INTRODUCTION by him at the top of this show, he scored a $2,800 PR.

FEATURED PRIZE: Jules Jurgenson hand-engraved coered pocket calendat watch in 14-karat gold worth $3,590 (WATCH)

BTW, Johnny mentioned that he’s a Cancer, so Rosemarie thought he should stay home, so everybody laughed at that remark.

Round 2: WHO IS IT?

Rosemarie: $300 T, LaT

Lynette: $400 H, $400 N, $500 R pair, three E’s, $400 M, S for sorry

Ben: $450 P, one F for WATCH, two O’s, $400 L, BANKRUPT (goodbye $4,190 cash & watch)

Rosemarie: $700 Z, $900 W, $2,500 D, solve…

T H E / W _ Z _ R D
O F / M E N L O
P _ R _

Rosemarie solved for $4,400 and the lead, but did she know who’s THE WIZARD OF MENLO PARK? She did w/ Thomas Edison.

Ben: $2,800/Rosemarie: $4,900/Lynette: ZIP


Lynette: $1K N pair, $500 G, three I’s, $10K’s right side (lost $1,250)

Ben: $200 R, other bad side of $10K

Rosemarie: $1K C pair, one K for DOUBLE PLAY (she tried to pick it up before calling that letter), used DP right away…$200 x 2 and one L, $1K D pair, $3K T trio, $250 Q, $800 S, one H for SURPRISE, solve…

Q _ I T T I N G
C _ L D / T _ R K _ _
S _ N D _ I C H

She solved QUITTING COLD TURKEY SANDWICH for $6,450 and a yachting trip in Tahiti from The Moorings worth $6,238.

Ben: $2,800/Rosemarie: $17,588 cash & Tahiti/Lynette: ZERO


Round 4: THING

Ben: $1,600 N pair, five E’s, $1,400 R pair, $1K L pair, $1,400 S pair, solve…

N _ _ _ E R – _ N E
_ E S _ / S E L L E R

He solved NUMBER-ONE BEST SELLER for $5,150 — PR #2.

Ben: $7,950/Rosemarie: $17,588 cash & Tahiti/Lynette: ZILCH

Round 5: THING

Rosemarie: insta-dud of T

Consonants in S-U mode were worth $500 apiece.

Lynette: N (DUD)
Ben: R
Rosemarie: repeated the T she already said
Lyynette: 3 S’s
Ben: B
Rosemarie: L
Lynette: G (DUD)
Ben: K (HUH?!)
Rosemarie: 2 C’s

_ _ R _ B _ C S
C L _ S S

Rosemarie solved AEROBICS CLASS for $1,500 more.

ROUND 2S (Lynette)RosemarieBen
ROUND 32 (Lynette, Ben)
ROUND 5T (Rosemarie), N (Lynette), G (Lynette), K (Ben)Rosemarie‘s T repeat

: $7,950/Rosemarie: $19,088 cash & Tahiti/Lynette: PARTING GIFTS

GT: $27,038
BANKRUPT TRASH: $5,640 cash & watch

Bonus Round

From WHE-L, Rosemarie’s picking the L for her cat Lucky.

Category: THING

Here’s one in each word…

_ _ _ T
_ R _ _

ACPD was good for…

_ _ _ T
_ R A P

only the bottom word, and the keys to the Jeep Grand Cherokee stayed inside this GIFT WRAP.


One thought on “WoF Retro Recap: December 5, 1995

  1. Friendship Feed July 12, 2022 / 11:08 pm

    For those who dunno, cancer is also a horoscope sign dated from June 22 to July 21 in the gregorian calendar. LOL that remark by Johnny.


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