WoF Recap: September 2, 2020


$1K Tossup: WAYD?

B _ A _ I N G / _ I T H
H A P P _ _ _ _ _

Jessica’s BEAMING WITH HAPPINESS, as are her opponents…

Jessica Swinton: accountant at a construction finance company married to Joshua from Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Alison Rose: occupational therapist, certified hand therapist (who works with people’s arms), and former jump rope coach who has a 94-year-old grandma named Ma-mom from Baltimore

Job Toussaint: administrative assistant, grad student at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, aspiring epidemiologist, and mountain climber engaged to Caitlyn from Little Rock

$2K Tossup: PERSON

W O R _ D
T _ _ _ _ L _ R

Alison might become a WORLD TRAVELER if she wins one of the cruises offered.

Speaking of cruises, the weeklong PP trip is a Caribbean cruise worth $9,863, but aboard different ships.

Round 1: SHOW BIZ

Alison starts off on a sour note with a T dud. Job lights up a few pairs – $1,200 R’s, E’s, $1,200 N’s, and I’s – and a $550 G before picking the sole dud vowel of A. Jessica spots an $800 D, the remaining vowels (O and U singles) before going for the house minimum solve (huh?)..

E _ _ _ – _ I N N I N G
_ R O D U _ E R

…and while we’ll see more than one EMMY-WINNING PRODUCER in September, Jessica could’ve gone for the M’s (but she wanted a puzzle under her belt).

DUDS: T (Alison), A (Job)

Mystery/Crossword Round: GRAPE ______

Here goes Job with a $900 L, three E’s, and a C on the MW near $650 that he flips…but he regrets it (he even said “womp, womp” – LOL!). But he gets his turn right back after Jessica BANKRUPTS near $650 and Alison LOSES A TURN. He spots an $800 J as well as pairs of U’s and I’s but then gets hit by the evil white wedge. After that, Jessica picks an $1,800 S duo, an A to clean out the vowels, a $600 V, and an N for $800 (she barely hung onto that space)…

  •   L E A V E S
  •             I
  •             N U _ S
  • J U I C E

…and eats a bowl of Grape NUTS for $2,950.

BANKRUPTS: Job, Jessica
LaTs: Alison, Job

Alison: $2K/Job: ZERO/Jessica: $4,950

PP/Express Round: EVENT

Jessica starts this crucial round with a $550 T and the LaT, while Alison BANKRUPTS near TD. Next, Job asks for a $900 L an S for sorry on TD (no reaction). Third, Jessica spots a $500 R but quickly discovers there’s no A. Then, Alison picks off five E’s on FP and two N’s for $1,800, but another dud vowel (O) stops her in her tracks. After that, Job lands on the EXPRESS, spots a C, and reluctantly hops aboard…

Picks: one X, one P, one Y…M for MISTAKE (he loses $4K)

Following that blunder, Jessica FPs the last consonant of Q…

T R _ L Y / _ N _ Q _ E

…and with another $1,800, she’ll have a TRULY UNIQUE EXPERIENCE on her cruise of Cozumel, Montego Bay, and Grand Cayman aboard the Carnival Vista.

DUDS: S (Job), O (Alison), M (Job)
LaT: Jessica

Alison: $2K/Job: BAD LUCK/Jessica: $16,613 cash & cruise

Triple Tossup: FUN & GAMES


K _ _ _ _ – _ N _ C K
_ _ K _

Job plays a KNOCK-KNOCK JOKE to get on the board.


T E _ _ _ N _ / _
_ _ L L _ / S _ _ _ Y

Job can’t get the second line…

T E _ _ _ N _ / _
S _ L L _ / S _ O _ Y

but mumbles it after the buzzer, while Jessica’s TELLING A SILLY STORY.


_ A U _ _ _ N G
O U T / _ _ U _

Jessica’s LAUGHING OUT LOUD after breaking the $20K mark.

Speed-Up: PHRASE (one-liner alert)

It’s $1,500 per consonant.

Jessica: S
Alison: L
Job: one T
Jessica: R
Alison: one M
Job: J (wha?)
Jessica: three A’s

_ _ A T / A / _ A M _ !

In terms of her dominance, Jessica rightfully says, “WHAT A GAME!” Nevertheless, she seals her win with another minimum solve.

AIRED DUDS: S (Jessica), L (Alison), R (Jessica), J (Job)

Jessica: $21,613 cash & cruise/Others: $2K

GT: $25,613

What category will Jessica choose for the next round?


She’s going for a THING. Hmm, OK…

$100K Bonus Round

Before introducing us to her husband, parents Angela and David, and sister Jennifer, Jessica tells Pat she hasn’t been on a honeymoon. Well, that might have changed with the PP. Anyway, after she lands on the single star, RSTLNE gives us…

_ _ L _ _ _ L E
_ _ _ _ _ E

DMPO won’t do much…

_ _ L _ _ _ L E
_ D _ _ _ E

…and too bad I can’t give her VALUABLE ADVICE on the solution, because she loses $50K. Ouch.


10 thoughts on “WoF Recap: September 2, 2020

  1. tjdygks57 September 3, 2020 / 12:10 am

    Jessica clean up today, but CDMA combo would’ve won.

    ep.rating: 6


  2. ant0824 September 3, 2020 / 1:53 am

    Uh, I Would not had Gone for thing. Picking Thing tn the BR Did Jessica In with a Very Limited Help. Not only we got a $50K Loss, we also suffer a BR losing week.,, again

    My rating: 5


  3. andynwof September 3, 2020 / 10:20 am

    Even though Jessica won over $20K, this episode wasn’t so smooth largely thanks to the wheel being cruel.

    I have no idea where Job thought the M would go via Express. And his J call in R4 was baffling.

    BR: I sincerely hope this is the last time this season somebody makes the grave mistake of picking THING and it really costed Jessica dearly. As tjdygks said, CDMA was the way to go.

    My Rating: 5


    • Adam Alam September 3, 2020 / 10:59 am

      This definitely won’t be the last time that they will offer that category…which is kinda sad.


    • ant0824 September 3, 2020 / 12:33 pm

      Same can be said Andy. Picking Thing was not the Right Choice at all.


  4. nickskapower September 3, 2020 / 5:28 pm

    Sorry for the late comment, I’ve been very busy (which is why I haven’t done any recycled BR lists lately).

    Anyway, despite Jessica dominating the maingame, the Wheel sure was being mean to the contestants and Job made some pretty questionable moves.

    I RSTLNE’d the BR, but I wish the big winner didn’t make the fatal mistake of picking THING(S), because look what it cost her. The first four letters strategy was the way to go on this one.

    My Rating: 5


  5. Skipps Largo September 4, 2020 / 11:02 am

    Jessica may have cleaned up & won big, but this was NOT a pretty one.

    R1: Right from the get-go, after the auto of T, the critical dud vowel of A & the fact that Jessica went for the house minimum when she could’ve gone for the M’s, I knew we’d be in for a long night.

    R2: This certainly was a nasty round in terms of penalty hits (incl. Job’s unfortunate result of his gamble).

    R3: More penalty hits, & the duds just kept on coming. Sigh.. no reaction for the S dud on TD, & where in the heck did Job think that M was going to go? -_-

    TTU2: Unfortunate that Job misses it w/ the second line.

    SU: The FS Round didn’t really fare any better than the rest of the game (a J, Job? Really, man?! -__-).

    Even though Jessica won big I knew what happened throughout the front game wasn’t gonna bode well with the Bonus Round…

    BR: And to make matters worse, Jessica went w/ THING. -___-

    Adding icing on top to what has already been a brutal episode Jessica paid a chunky price for picking that dreaded category & loses the $50K.

    Here’s some VALUABLE ADVICE from us admins of the site….NEVER PICK THING!!!

    Grade: F+
    Rating: 4

    Augmented Reality Stock Market Bear

    ^Again, some little basic HTML made inserting this image in the comment possible.


  6. andynwof January 30, 2022 / 1:13 pm

    CC also misspelled Jessica’s name — it’s really SWINTON and not Schwind, so I fixed it. I found this facebook photo of her posted by First Coast News in her area…

    Liked by 1 person

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