WoF Social Distancing Edition Recap: Game 4 (Finals)


Sarah Beatty (Planned Parenthood), Brian McGaha (Toledo Area Humane Society), and Sheana Turner faced off against each other in this final game of the social distancing edition of this show.


Sarah led the way w/ a $600 S, a T for that MDW, but the BANKRUPT near $600 took that sparkly green wedge right back along w/ the money. Second, Brian called up a $700 R and two N’s for $900, then he bought two E’s and the sole dud vowel of A for awful. Sheana then said four L’s for $1,200, four I’s and two P’s for another $1,200.

P _ T – _ E L L I E _
P I _ S / R _ L L I N _
I N / _ _ _

Could’ve gone for the D’s, but she solved POT-BELLIED PIGS ROLLING IN MUD.

SOLE DUD: A (Brian)

Mystery Round: SAME NAME

Brian’s first w/ a $400 R, but then D for dud. Sheana secondly found an S on the MW next to LaT and obviously flipped…no $10K this time. Sarah thirdly picked off two T’s for a grand, three T’s for $1,200 more, buys of I, A and four E’s, and a $1,200 G pair. Board…

_ _ N N I E / &
E A S T E R / E G G
_ _ N T

She just missed it w/ CONNIE & EASTER EGG HUNT (the former was actually a contestant on 10/1/1997), so $2,650 was at risk for her. Brian then said a $300 H and the leftover vowels of U and O.

_ O N N I E / &
E A S T E R / E G G

He solved BONNIE & EASTER EGG HUNT for $200 bumped the the $1K house minimum.

SOLE DUD: D (Brian)
SOLE DQ: Sarah’s missolve

Sarah: NOTHING/Brian: $1K/Sheana: $2,150

Express Round: BEST SELLER

Sheana landed on $5K right away and hoped for a T…but that stood for terrible. Sarah’s second in line w/ five E’s via FP, two S’s for $1,800, three A’s, five R’s for $4,500 more, but then the sole dud vowel of I. Brian FPed a $500 V and got five S’s for $1,750. We had…

M E _ / A R E
_ R _ M / M A R S
_ _ M E _ / A R E
_ R _ M / V E _ _ S

He solved “MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS” for only $2,250, because he didn’t go on for the N’s.

DUDS: T (Sheana), I (Sarah)

Sarah: BUPKIS/Brian: $3,250/Sheana: $2,150

Speed-Up: WAYD?

No instant BANKRUPT from Davira the host this time — consonants were worth $6K apiece!

Sarah: N
Brian: C — DUD
Sheana: G
Sarah: L
Brian: two R’s
Sheana: S
Sarah: two I’s
Brian: P — DUD
Sheana: D — DUD
Sarah: F — DUD
Brian: M — DUD
Sheana: two H’s (last of the consonants)

H _ I L I N G
_ _ R / H _ R _ _ S

Sheana blanked out on the last word, so $24K was going down the drain for her. Sarah then bought the two O’s for free…

H _ I L I N G
O _ R / H _ R O _ S

We’re HAILING OUR HEROES, as she solved for $12K and the comeback win.

DUDS: C (Brian), P (Brian), D (Sheana), F (Sarah), M (Brian)

Sarah: $12K/Brian: $3,250/Sheana: $2,150

GT: $17,400
BANKRUPT TRASH (excl. MDW and MW $): $600

The category menu for Sarah…


She went for WAYD?.

$250K Bonus Round

Sarah got the N envelope of WIN. Just two N’s and an S to start…

_ _ _ _ N _ / _
_ _ _ _ _ / S N _ _ _

HGMA’s a great combo…

H A _ _ N G / A
_ _ M M _ / S N A _ _

She’s HAVING A YUMMY SNACK for $40K and a final total of $52K plus $100 for Planned Parenthood.


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