WoF Recap: February 11, 2020


$1K Toss-Up: THINGS

A _ C _ E N T
R _ _ _ _ / R U I _ S

I’m not sure if there’s gonna be a trip to see the ANCIENT ROMAN RUINS, but Christopher is correct. And the guy we’re interviewing first has been on three game shows in the past…

Christopher Lastrapes: writer & content developer married to Keto for 6 years w/ two sons whose grandmother got him into the show when he was a young lad from La Canada, CA; he was on “Weakest Link” (George Gray version; he was eliminated), “JEOPARDY!” (he placed 2nd on Oct. 28, 2015 in S32) and “Millionaire” (he won $30K on May 9, 2018)

Ashley Huddleston: Tennessee Tech grad student who’s in a master’s program to be a family nurse practitioner married to Tyler (they enjoy cruises and have been to 16 different islands) from Cookeville, TN

Jovan Eary: concertizer (mostly Justin Timberlake) married to Sean w/ a 5-yr.-old son and another on the way from Bangor, ME

$2K Toss-Up: WAYD?

_ E _ T _ _ G / T _ E
_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ B _ E

Jovan completely leaves out the third word and just says SETTING THE TABLE.

_ E _ T _ _ G / T _ E
_ _ _ _ E _ / _ _ B _ E

Ashley says all four words correctly in the solution of SETTING THE DINNER TABLE.

FEATURED COLLETTE TOUR: South Africa worth $12,398

NOVICA’s actually the weeklong gift tag.

Round 1: FUN & GAMES

Both she and Jovan strike out right away w/ T and R, respectively. Christopher does all the work for four A’s via FP, S and three L’s at $700 each, and the other vowels of two I’s and O’s (latter via FP).

_ A _ I _ _
_ A L L O O _
A _ I _ A L S

He’s MAKING BALLOON ANIMALS for only $2,550, because he didn’t go on for the triple N’s and double M’s.

INSTA-DUDS: T (Ashley) & R (Jovan)

Mystery/Crossword Round: FRENCH _______

This round’s all Jovan: a $1,300 S pair, two E’s and A, a P for that MDW (NO reaction whatsoever — UGH -_-), the last vowel of I, an $1,100 R pair, a FP D, and an $800 B.

  •     _
  • B R E A D
  •     _         I
  •                P R E S S

FRY is the last French thing for $2,950 — PR.

Christopher: $3,550/Ashley: $2K/Jovan: $2,950 MDW

PP/Express Round: PHRASE

A $3,600 T quartet gets Christopher started, followed by three E’s, but then the BANKRUPT near TD to lose $3,350. Second for Ashley are a FP A, two H’s for the gift tag, a $650 S, a U buy, but then the sole dud vowel of I. Jovan next GOES ABOARD the EXPRESS after picking a J.

Next Picks: W…three O’s…three R’s (she almost tried to solve before picking that)…three D’s…and C

This is…

J U S T / W H A T
T H E / D O C T O R

…$8,750 plus a tour of SPAIN worth $10,298.

SOLE DUD: I (Ashley)
SOLE BANKRUPT: Christopher

Christopher: $3,550/Ashley: $2K/Jovan: $21,998 cash & Spain MDW

Triple Toss-Up: PLACE


_ _ _ _ _ _ T B _ _ L
_ _ U _ _

All three of these are types of courts, but Ashley TOTALLY BLOWS IT w/ FOOTBALL STADIUM. No way, girl. -__-

_ _ _ K E T B _ _ L
_ _ U _ _

Jovan scores on a BASKETBALL COURT.


_ A N _ _ _ L L
_ O U R _

Christopher solves HANDBALL COURT.


_ H _ _ _ _ N G / M _ _ L
F _ O _ / _ _ _ _ _

Don’t go to the SHOPPING MALL FOOD COURT now, Jovan — you’ve got some more game to play.


Once again, the Final Spin’s the $1,500 minimum. And I actually no-lettered this one (it’s the chart-topping 1987 hit by U2 on the “Joshua Tree” album).

Jovan: R
Christopher: S — DUD
Ashley: three T’s

_ _ T _ / _ R
_ _ T _ _ _ T / _ _ _

Ashleyunfortunately says the correct Song Title a split second too late. Jovan then says the two W’s…

W _ T _ / _ R
W _ T _ _ _ T / _ _ _

…and solves “WITH OR WITHOUT YOU” for $4,500 extra.

SOLE DUD: S (Christopher)
SOLE DQ: Ashley’s late solve

Christopher: $5,550/Ashley: $2K/Jovan: $30,498 cash & Spain MDW

GT: $38,048

Unfavorable MDBR category list for Jovan…


We’re doing another PHRASE.


After we see the hubby holding that sparkly green wedge, Jovan’s all-important spin lands on…the N of SPIN. Lead-offs…

_ / _ _ R _ / _ _
_ _ _ T _ _ N

MDHA gives her besides the obvious A…

A / _ _ R D / _ _
_ A _ T _ _ N

She loses, and I must give you A WORD OF CAUTION — don’t throw a tantrum if you scroll down and see big red letters saying that she loses the million…

…she actually loses the Mercedes SUV.



5 thoughts on “WoF Recap: February 11, 2020

  1. nickskapower February 11, 2020 / 8:40 pm

    This was a good episode with fatal flaws, such as…

    1. Jovan completely pretermitting the third word in TU2.

    2. Christopher being consonative in R1 instead of going for the triple N’s or double M’s.

    3. The audience, like most episodes this season, had NO reaction to the MDW hit whatsoever.

    4. Jovan almost making a solve attempt far too soon on the EXPRESS.

    5. Ashley thinking that _ _ U _ _ was STADIUM. Yeah.

    I too no-lettered R4 and feared that the $1M was going to be under the I of SPIN as it was just barely hanging on to the N of the same word.

    My Rating: 6


  2. Adam Alam February 11, 2020 / 10:16 pm

    Jovan may have gotten $30K plus, but this episode wasn’t that good.

    I thought FRY was going to elude her in R2…good for her knowing that tricky word. And good job on Pat reminding players to go for every letter on the Express (and on the Speedup)!

    TTU1: _ _ U _ _ is STADIUM? :/

    TTU2: I’ve seen that puzzle on a recent net game and someone missolved it as SANDFALL POINT.

    R4: I think the judges made the right decision of handing Jovan he money. To my ear, Ashley did solve that a split second after the buzzer.

    BR: I had A WORK OF FICTION w/ RSTLNE…which would’ve worked better as a THING. My dad had it during the countdown.

    Once again, we hear NO reaction to a MDW landing. -_- Mike, please liven up the audience next season. That, and fix up the somewhat faulty Bonus Round.

    Extra notes: I’m gonna try to attend a taping next month and try to be as reactive as possible. MarioGS did that earlier this season and he got called on by the audience wranglers. Also, I think Nickskapower might be an 80’s junkie like Andy (Second day in a row that he no-lettered an 80’s song puzzle.).


  3. jpgenius February 11, 2020 / 10:52 pm

    Good thing Jovan didn’t solve too early on the Express; she racked up a pretty good total. I think the O’s would’ve done it for her in the BR.

    My rating: 7


  4. Bud Busch February 12, 2020 / 12:37 am

    Why not have your shows in the 50 different states other than the big states?
    Go to South Dakota, Wyoming, New Mexico, West Virginia, Nebraska, just to give you examples that there are other places in this Great Country of America?
    Keep the running scores on top for the Television board. It helps old people know what the score is.


  5. Skipps Largo February 14, 2020 / 10:16 am

    Man, I HATE IT for Ashley on that FS Round 🥺 — but great job by Jovan dominating & taking us to MDBR #6. Game show veteran Christopher also did alright for himself.

    This million dollar BR puzzle was very much solveable, but Jovan was WAY off the mark w/ her picks, so she loses the Mercedes Benz ute. The million…. not far, but not close either.

    Rating: 6


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