WoF Recap: February 3, 2020

Salutations, everyone! It is I, Nickskapower, and I am here to fill in for andynwof for today, tomorrow and overmorrow. Here I go w/ my first recap…



_ _ _ _ G E
B _ O S _ _ M S

John loves the smell of ORANGE BLOSSOMS. We are meeting the players from left to right tonight…

John Cieply: nuclear medicine tech that does cardiac stress tests daily and an avid Pittsburgh Steelers fan married to Dory w/ 2 kids and 3 grandkids from Miami, FL

Corain Cash: web developer at a digital marketing agency and mom of 3 kids raised in Nassau, Bahamas from Sunrise, FL

Elda Vallina: ES teacher married to Armando w/ 2 kids from Miami, FL

Oh, and guess what? They have the Collette Vacations plug between the first and second Tossups! UGH. -_-

$2K Tossup: THING

_ H _ / R I G H T
_ _ S _ E R

Corain gives THE RIGHT ANSWER.

FEATURED TRIP: European Cruise from celebritycruises.com worth $10,372
Gift Tag:
Florida State Lottery

Round 1: FOOD & DRINK (biggie alert)

After Corain and Elda BANKRUPT back-to-back on the MDW‘s right side and next to TD, respectively, John says a $1,300 pair of T’s and two E’s, but then the same BANKRUPT that Elda got to forfeit $1,050. Next, Corain says a $500 R, four A’s, two $650 N’s, two O’s, a pair of S’s for the Gift Tag, followed by the LaT. Afterwards, Elda picks up the MDW w/ two L’s (we DO have a reaction from the audience this time). One $500 Y later…

A L L – Y O _ –
_ A N – E A T
_ R A _ S

…she eats these ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT STONE CRABS for the house minimum.

BANKRUPTS3 (whole panel)
SOLE LaT: Corain

Mystery Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Elda FPs three E’s, followed by two T’s for $1,400 and three S’s on the MW next to $650 before she wisely declines (because that’s the BANKRUPT one) but then the LaT gets hit again. Second, John lands on the other MW, but says M for mistakeThird, Corain lands on the same MW that Elda(that’s thrice one of the MWs have been hit this round) and says an R… but she goes for it. Next, Elda buys an O before saying a $1,600 pair of Y’s… but then she makes a FATAL PURCHASE of U to squander $5,500. After John LaTs out and Corain spots a $600 K…

_ E S T
S _ _ E / S T O R Y

…I highly doubt that there will be a 1961 drama/crime movie called “KEY WEST SIDE STORY“, but I know she solves for the house minimum.

DUDS: M (John), U (Elda)
LaTs: 2 (Elda, John)

John: $1K/Corain: $3K/Elda: $1K MDW

You know we’re in terrible shape when we have scores like this going into R3…

PP/Express Round: WAYD?

John calls up an obvious N for the WC, two I’s and a G before hopping on the EXPRESS

Next Choices: T, CRASH w/ the sole dud vowel of E (he loses $2,250 and the WC)

After Corain BANKRUPTs next to $650Elda spots a $600 S, an A and an O, but then the fourth LaT of the game. After John says a $1,400 L pair and the last vowel of two U’s…

L O _ I N G / _ _
_ I _ S T / L U A U

…he says “LOVING MY FIRST LUAU” for $1,150 and a trip to Hilton Waikoloa Village courtesy of flightguru.com worth $7,714.

SOLE LaT: Elda
BANKRUPTS: 2 (John, Corain)

John: $9,864 cash & HI/Corain: $3K/Elda: $1K MDW

Triple Tossup: PLACE


_ _ _ – W _ Y
S _ _ _ _ _

John quickly gets out of this ONE-WAY STREET.


_ _ _ – _ _ Y
_ _ _ _ _ _

Corain pulls a Robert Santoli like I did w/ TWO-WAY STREET.


S E S _ _ E
_ _ _ _ _ _

This should have been under TV TITLE, but Corain solves the educational children’s television series, SESAME STREET. Although, if you use “three-way street” in L.A., it would be just fine. 😛

Speed-Up: PHRASE

Consonants are worth $1,700 apiece, so that’s not good news for Elda.

EldaTwo I’s
Corain: G
EldaNo R
JohnThree L’s
CorainTwo K’s
EldaTwo S’s

S _ L L I N G / L I K _
_ _ T _ _ K _ S

…she solves SELLING LIKE HOTCAKES, but only for $3,400.

DUDS: R (Elda)

John: $11,864 cash & HI/Corain: $7K/Elda: $4,400 MDW

GT: a modest $23,264
BANKRUPT TRASH: $1,050 (we don’t count the MW buyout)

The categories on offer for this man are…


FYI, the BR Category in sea green is the category that was chosen by the contestant.

$100K Bonus Round

This week’s CUV is a red 2020 Cadillac XT4 Sport provided by Vera Motors from Florida (starting price is $43K+). After we meet the wife, John‘s strong spin lands on the P. Superman wears one of these…

_ L _ _ _ N _
_ _ _ E

The CAMP strategy (CMPA) fills in something completely…

_ L _ _ _ N _

the entire last wordbut he nails FLOWING CAPE no sweat and leaves w/ a much better final total of $48,864 cash & HI.


7 thoughts on “WoF Recap: February 3, 2020

  1. andynwof February 3, 2020 / 8:21 pm

    Great job w/ this! Oh, on the right hand side when you type up the recap, there is a section called “Categories & Tags”. If you click there and scroll down, check the box that says Season 37 and uncheck “Uncategorized”. I always place these in the proper season number. Also, I’ve added the name of this week’s car (we usually do that on Monday recaps) and don’t forget to list out all the bad things that happened (if they did). DUDS, LaTs, BANKRUPTS, and DQs.

    Anyway, the front game was very ugly thanks to all those penalties. I wanted Elda to win, but it wasn’t meant to be. That bad U vowel in R2 really hampered her chances to make it to the MDBR.

    And I also didn’t like the plug they’re doing for next week’s “World Tour” shows. They seem to have a habit of promoting upcoming sweepstakes in advance.

    BR: I didn’t think John would win w/ no help up top, but that was a nice solve for the minimum.

    My Rating: 6

    Hopefully things will go better as the week progresses…

    Liked by 2 people

    • nickskapower February 3, 2020 / 9:00 pm

      Yeah, I apologize on my behalf for not listing out the 4 LaTs that happened. ☹ I’ll remember that in my next recap.

      Also, Jim didn’t really say the model of the car before the BR and I couldn’t tell if it was an XT4 or XT5. That’s why I left out the name of the car that was on offer in the BR.


      • andynwof February 3, 2020 / 9:21 pm

        If you look at the close-up pictures of both the XT4 and XT5 on Cadillac’s website, you might be able to tell the difference (it’s the headlights).


  2. Bulldog February 3, 2020 / 10:15 pm

    Excellent work on the recap of this episode Nickskapower. This is a fantastic way to review an episode for all WOF fans who may miss some or all of an episode! Keep up the great work! I look forward to the next review!


  3. Adam Alam February 3, 2020 / 10:15 pm

    This was not a pretty game to watch.

    Are all Hawaiian trips now sponsored by FlightGuru?

    I think I no-lettered the first two TTU puzzles and got the final before it showed up. Speaking about that puzzle, my school used the theme song for the one-minute bell last week (This week, it’s the Kim Possible theme song. And yes, both songs were from my request.).

    RSTLNEd the BR. I thought John was done when all of his picks were in the bottom word, although a little bit of me thought he could pull this one off. The minority ruled.


  4. Skipps Largo February 7, 2020 / 9:37 am

    Well, this episode got off on the wrong foot w/ the wheel’s tirade in R1. R2 didn’t fare any better as we were nothing above the minimum, assuming both the opening tossups were solved, after the round. After the PP Round I thought we were in deep trouble w/ no one being in five digits, but then of course the Triple-TUs helped us make up a little lost time. With the implementation of Triple-TUs it’s safe to say that the days of sub-$20K grand totals are numbered.

    Fast forward to the BR, John makes an INCREDIBLE SOLVE despite having no help on the top line to save the night wearing his FLOWING CAPE.

    Rating: 7 (thanks to that nice BR solve)

    Nice job on your first recap, Nick!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. jpgenius February 8, 2020 / 11:28 am

    Rough front game, but John’s BR win saved it.

    My rating: 6


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