WoF Recap: October 22, 2019



_ E / _ _ _ / _ U _ S _ !
_ _ / O U _ / G _ _ _ T !

(I no-lettered this one thanks to the category. Also, Vanna pounded at the board for a letter to light up.)

Jeremy exactly recites “BE OUR GUEST! BE OUR GUEST!” (from “Beauty and the Beast”). Tuesday’s guests…

Jeremy Anderson: substitute teacher who recently ran their city’s marathon from Chicago

Monique Brown: pediatric ER nurse who does a lot of things at church married to Orsay (they recently got back from Europe) w/ a nearly 1-yr.-old sonfrom Tucson, AZ

Marie Anastos: bus driver for a national park & retired postal worker of 23 yrs. married to Ralph w/ 2 adult daughters and one son-in-law from Ellsworth, ME


O _ _ / _ _ _ H _ R
H U B B _ _ _


B & B TRIP: 9 Cranes Inn in Seattle (I’m surprised it’s permanently closed according to a Google search)
Other Gift Tag This Week: Bantam Bagels (it’s all $ from this company)

Round 1: FOOD & DRINK

But she says an instant dud of T. Second, Marie calls up two FP N’s, three E’s, a $2,500 R, and two A’s before buying the only dud vowel of this puzzle (I). Third, Jeremy takes a $2,700 S trio, the other two vowels (two O’s included), a $1,600 C pair, a $700 G and a $650 L before he BANKRUPTs near $650 to lose $5,150. After Monique LaTs out…

S U G A R / C O N E S / &
_ A _ _ L E / C O N E S

Marie has some SUGAR CONES & WAFFLE CONES for $2,750 when she could’ve gone on for the F’s.

DUDS: T (Monique) & I (Marie)
SOLE LaT: Monique

Mystery Round: SAME LETTER

We have an insta-dud again, this time w/ Marie and her N call. Jeremy secondly wastes a spin w/ the MDW’s right side. Monique thirdly picks five T’s for $3K, four E’s and I, a $1,500 S trio, an an A. But after four R’s for the bagels, she says H for hush on the MW near LaT to leave $6,750 on the table. Marie then inserts the SL Bonus of four P’s for $3,800

P E R _ E _ T
P I _ T _ R E S / &
P R E T T _
P _ S T _ A R _ S

…and she can make some PERFECT PICTURES & PRETTY POSTCARDS w/ the extra money (but she should have gone on for the triple C’s).

DUDS: N (Marie) & H (Monique)
BANKRUPT #2: Jeremy

Monique: $2K/Marie: $6,550/Jeremy: $1K

PP/Express Round: EVENT

Jeremy and Monqiue instantly BANKRUPT back-to-back (him near $3,500, her on the other side of the MDW). Marie does most of the work — four N’s for $2K, two E’s and three A’s, a $1,200 pair of R’s, two I’s, four O’s, and the last vowel of U via FP. Board…

A / _ O N _ E R _ U _
A _ _ E R N O O N / O _
_ A I _ I N _

She blows the $2,200 solve w/ A WONDERFUL AFTERNOON OF PAINTING when there was just one N in the last word. Jeremy then says a FP T, an $1,800 F trio, and a $1,200 L pair. New layout…

A / _ O N _ E R F U L
A F T E R N O O N / O F
_ A I L I N _

He wins $3,500 and will have A WONDERFUL AFTERNOON OF SAILING at the Hilton ARUBA Caribbean Resort & Casino worth $7,420.

INSTA-BANKRUPTS: 2 (Jeremy and Monique)
SOLE DQ: Marie’s blown solve

Monique: $2K/Marie: $6,550/Jeremy: $11,920 cash & Aruba

I don’t feel too good about this… -___-

Triple Toss-Up Round: WAYD?


_ I D _ _ _ / A
T _ I _ Y C L _



P E _ _ _ _ N _
A / _ _ C _ _ _ E



_ _ L _ I N _ / O _ F
A / U _ I C Y C L E

Jeremy goes overboard on the first word w/ BALANCING OFF A UNICYCLE.

F _ L L I N _ / O _ F
A / U _ I C Y C L E

Monique takes control by saying FALLING OFF A UNICYCLE.

Speed-Up: PHRASE

It’s a $1,600 Final Spin on this Tuesday.

Monique: 2 T’s
Marie: 2 N’s
Jeremy: H
Monique: 2 S’s
Marie: R
Jeremy: 2 I’s
Monique: D (DUD)
Marie: C (DUD)
Jeremy: O
Monique: Q

T H _ / Q _ _ S T I O N
R _ _ _ I N S

Monique blows it w/ THE QUESTION ROUNDS and THE QUESTION RAISING. Marie then fills in the last consonant of M…

T H _ / Q _ _ S T I O N
R _ M _ I N S

THE QUESTION REMINDS doesn’t fit when there is NO D, ma’am. Jeremy then fills in three E’s…

T H E / Q _ E S T I O N
R E M _ I N S

but he STILL DOESN’T know it!!! UGH. -__- Monique then finally gets THE QUESTION REMAINS for $8K and the win by just $80.

DUDS: D (Monique) & C (Marie)
DQs: 3 blown solves (Monique 2x, Marie)

Monique: $14K/Marie: $6,550/Jeremy: $13,920 cash & Aruba

GT: $34,470

With the latter half of this front game being really BAD, I’m NOT very hopeful of Monique’s chances in this next segment after she picks from…


She goes for my category of PLACE.

$100K Bonus Round (sponsored by Consumer Cellular)

In addition to her hubby, there’s mom Bridget, sister Kiana and brother Marcus. Monique lands on the S of AMERICA’S. Just an E and an R to start…

_ _ _ E
_ _ _ R _ _ _

She WIPES OUT of the game w/ PGHO and this was left behind on the WIDE FAIRWAY (she had WAKE on top)…$50K (the first such loss this season).