WoF Retro Recap: March 22, 2001


Tossup #1: PHRASE

S H A R E / A N D
_ H _ _ _ / A L _ _ E

Michael wasn’t here to SHARE AND SHARE ALIKE, but rather win big; at this moment, he would start the first round. But first, info on him and the ladies…

Michael Doss: director of market research for a web development firm and a Lego lover who wanted to become a GS host all his life from Tustin, California

Blythe Hartley: senior at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in geography and minoring in business/government who wanted to become the first female head coach of an NFL team from Austin (she grew up in San Francisco)

Dia Day: building services worker who wanted her own talk show from St. Charles, Missouri

Gift Tag: Skagen Watches

Round 1: ON THE MAP

His first letters were two T’s and H at $500 a pop, and three E’s, followed by a $1,200 R pair, a $400 S, but then the LaT. Second, Blythe got a $2,500 D, a single N on $800 (but that was miscalculated as the adjacent $550), and three A’s before we looked at…

T H E / A R A _ _ A N

Now this was up her alley since she studied geography — she located THE ARABIAN DESERT for $2,800 (should’ve been $3,050).

SOLE LaT: Michael

FEATURED PRIZE: NOVICA gift certificate worth $2,500

Jackpot Round: SHOW BIZ

Blythe started w/ top dollar like in the last round, this time w/ a $10,500 S trio. Next up were five E’s, a $3,200 T quartet, five A’s, a $1,500 H trio, but then LaT. Dia’s journey began w/ a $1,350 R trio, a C on Jackpot, but then BANKRUPT near $600 to clean her out. After Michael LaTed out, Blythe lit up three I’s, six N’s for $3,600 more (just went past the big one), the rest of the vowels in singles, an $800 G, a $900 M, an $800 Y…a $3,500 L…and a $400 V before she finally went for the solve…

L E A V I N G / Y O U R
H A N _ _ R I N T S / A T
M A N N ‘ S / C H I N E S E

She solved LEAVING YOUR HANDPRINTS AT MANN’S CHINESE THEATRE for $23,950 in that round alone!

LaTs: 2 (Blythe, Michael)

Dia: NOTHING/Michael: $1K/Blythe: $26,750 (should’ve been $27K)

FEATURED PRIZE #2: The Lucayan on Grand Bahama Island worth $5,340

$10K Round: SAME NAME

But Dia instantly struck out w/ N for negative. Michael secondly lit up a $3,500 S, but lost it right back to the $10K’s left side. Blythe thirdly got a $600 T pair but then LaT. Dia lost another turn w/ R while on the NOVICA gift certificate. Michael next got a $3,500 H, but then repeated the N. Blythe chose a $1K L pair, a $300 G, an I, but no more w/ M. Dia followed w/ a $600 K, but then P for phooey. After Michael LaTed out for the third time this game, Blythe picked off a $7K B pair, an $800 C, and three E’s before the light bulb went on…

E _ E / &
L I G H T / B _ L B
S _ C K E T

She solved EYE & LIGHT BULB SOCKET for another $9,200.

DUDS: N (Dia), R (Dia), M (Blythe), P (Dia)
LaTs: 2 (Blythe, Michael)
SOLE DQ: Michael’s N repeat

Dia: HARD LUCK/Michael: $1K/Blythe: $35,950 (should’ve been $36,200)


_ / _ _ _ R
_ _ / P L _ E _ S

Michael got out A PAIR OF PLIERS.


We didn’t quite make it to the big one, because the consonants were worth the $1,300 minimum.

Michael: two T’s
Blythe: R (DUD)
Dia: N (DUD)
Michael: S (DUD)
Blythe: M (DUD)
Dia: L (DUD)
Michael: two C’s

_ _ _ T C _ _ –
_ _ _ T C _ _

Michael just beat the buzzer w/ HOOTCHY-KOOTCHY for $5,200.

DUDS: R (Blythe), N (Dia), S (Michael), M (Blythe), L (Dia)

Dia: PARTING GIFTS/Michael: $7,200/Blythe: $35,950 (should’ve been $36,200)

GT: $43,150

Bonus Round

From -HEE-, Blythe chose the H.


This is the name of a famous doll by Mattel…

_ _ R _ _ E

CMHA only added the vowel…

_ A R _ _ E

After a few second of reasoning it out, she IDed BARBIE for the $19,825 Jetta and left w/ a final total of $55,775 cash & prizes (should’ve been $56,025)! Sister Jennifer and her mom greeted her.

According to the timeline, the end credits mentioned that a portion of this episode had to be re-produced, so it was possible that Blythe landed on the $550 (and the spin was reshot after the round). With her arrow sitting on the green $500 after solving, this suggests that there was more than one reshoot. The incorrect scoring DIDN’T affect the outcome.


Conclusion of this weekΒ 

WoF Retro Recap: March 21, 2001


Tossup #1: TITLE

_ H E / G _ _ _ _ N
G I _ _ S

Danny IDed “THE GOLDEN GIRLS”. Midweek trio…

Danny Morrison: manager at a lumber distribution co. and a weekend DJ at a radio station married to Crystal w/ three boys from Bakersfield, CA

Jimmy Gonzales: engaged to Daniella, 2nd year law school student at George Washington Law School, and a law clerk at a small law firm from Hialeah, FL

Vicki Sams: cake decorator married to Dale for 19 yrs. w/ three kids who loves singing at church from Prescott Valley, AZ

Gift Tag: Meade Telescopes


Danny started w/ two N’s for $800, four L’s for the Meade Telescopes gift tag, the same number of O’s, and two R’s for another $800, followed by a $1,600 D pair and the remaining vowels of A and two E’s. We had…

_ E L L _
R O L L – O N
D E O D O R A N _

but he just missed it w/ BELLY ROLL-ON DEODORANT, so $3,450 cash & telescopes went down the drain for him. Jimmy completed the board w/ a $400 J, a $900 T and $900 Y.

R O L L – O N

He read the answer correctly for $2,200.

SOLE DQ: Danny’s one-letter missolve

FEATURED PRIZE: Panasonic 36″ diagonal HDTV plus digital recorder ShowStopper (ENTERTAINMENT) worth $3,100

Jackpot Round: FILL IN THE BLANK

Jimmy began w/ a $300 N, a $7K R pair, A, E and two I’s, a $600 L pair, but then the sole dud vowel of O. Vicki secondly found a $550 B but nothing else w/ M for mistake. Danny thirdly missed w/ D. Back to Jimmy who said a $900 T trio, the final vowel of U, but then S for sorry. Vicki followed w/ a $600 P, a $400 Y, but then the LaT. Danny then said a $400 C and a $1K F pair and we had another complete board.

? / P R E T T Y
? / B U L L
? / I N / T R A F F I C

He read the answer correctly and got the bonus answer of Sitting for $4,400 in that round.

DUDS: O (Jimmy), M (Vicki), D (Danny), S (Jimmy)
SOLE LaT: Vicki

Vicki: ZIP/Danny: $5,400/Jimmy: $2,200

FEATURED PRIZE #2: Almond Resorts Barbados worth $5,310

$10K Round: PHRASE

Vicki led off w/ a $700 T, but the S was no good here. Second, Danny got a $600 L, a $700 R, three E’s, and two N’s for the entertainment wedge before he LaTed out. Third, Jimmy spun his way to a $1,350 trio of D’s, three A’s, a $300 P, two O’s, but then C for crud. Vicki followed w/ a $550 W, the final vowel of I, before she fouled up w/ G. Danny won’t take any chances…

_ A _ I L _
O W N E D / A N D

He solved FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED for $4,150 cash & entertainment.

DUDS: S (Vicki), C (Jimmy), G (Vicki)
SOLE LaT: Danny

Vicki: ZILCH/Danny: $9,550 cash & entertainment/Jimmy: $2,200

Tossup #2: EVENT

T A _ I _ _ / A
_ A U N A

Danny would be TAKING A SAUNA after this game’s over.

Round 4: ON THE MAP

Next on his hit list were three T’s for the Barbados trip, but then R for rats. Jimmy’s second in line w/ a $1,200 N trio, but time’s running out…

_ _ _Β  T T _ N _ _ _ _
T _ N N _ _ _ _ _

…and the remaining consonants were worth $1,400 a pop. He then chose two S’s…

_ _ _Β  T T _ N _ _ _ _
T _ N N _ S S _ _

…and located CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE for $4K.

SOLE DUD: R (Danny)

Vicki: PARTING GIFTS/Danny: $10,550 cash & entertainment/Jimmy: $6,200

GT: $16,750

Bonus Round

A Volvo C70 convertible and the $25K were won earlier this week. Besides the money, the other three cars this week were…

  • 2001 Volkswagen Jetta GLS ($19,825)
  • 2001 Honda Prelude
  • Infiniti QX4 ($36K+)

Danny chose the L from -HEEL.

Category: PHRASE

They later used this in S26 and it wasn’t solved for $30K…

_ _ R R _
_ _ _ _

CDMA gave him…

_ _ R R _
_ A C _

He was able to HURRY BACK w/ the correct answer and after running around on stage, he won himself a $24,600 Honda Prelude coupe for a final cash/prizes total of $35,150. He took wife Crystal and sister April to his new ride.


WoF Retro Recap: February 9, 2001 — WASHINGTON D.C. FINALE


Tossup #1: THING

C R _ _ _ H Y
G R A N _ _ A / _ A R

Julia ate a CRUNCHY GRANOLA BAR. Closing out this road trip were these collegians…

Julia Williams: graduate of the University of Maryland-Terrapine culinary school now a certified chef from Hyattsville, MD

David Amirian (American Univ.): senior majoring in finance from Great Neck, NY

Travis Tyler (George Mason Univ.): exercise science major from Springfield, VA

Gift Tag: music.com

Round 1: SAME NAME

Julia started w/ a $500 M, three L’s for $1,500 more, but the BANKRUPT near $600 nailed her. David controlled the rest of the round for a $600 T pair, a $500 R, two E’s, a $900 P trio, and a $300 H.

H E L _ _ _ P T E R / &
P _ L M
P _ L _ T

He solved HELICOPTER & PALM PILOT for $2,050.


FEATURED PRIZE #1: two-stroke Italjet Torpedo 50 scooter worth $2,599 (SCOOTER)

Jackpot Round: CLUE

(NOTE: The second BANKRUPT and Jackpot wedges were mistakenly placed on wedge clockwise from their normal locations.)

David’s first w/ a $1,650 T trio, three H’s on Jackpot, E, and five N’s for another $17,500! But after buying six O’s, he says M for mistake to leave $18,650 on the table — oh no. After Travis fell victim to the same BANKRUPT, Julia called up a $500 Y, two I’s, and a $900 L before she LaTed out. On David’s second turn, he filled in a $600 J, a $1K B pair, a $300 F, and three S’s on Jackpot. Big solve attempt…

T H E / B / I N
L Y N _ O N / B .
J O H N _ O N / S T O O _
F O _ / T H I S

Set off the fireworks — he solved “THE B IN LYNDON B. JOHNSON STOOD FOR THIS” for $20,550 and a $12,650 pot totaling $33,200 that round!!! Did he get the $3K bonus…nope, he caused everybody to laugh w/ his guess of Bob when it was actually Baines. Oh, and had the Jackpot been placed correctly, David still would have won $27,400 after this round.

(NOTE: There may have been a null cycle edited out of Round 1, based on no aired calls of N or S, and Travis’ reaction to BANKRUPT in this round.)

SOLE DUD: M (David)
SOLE LaT: Julia

Julia: $1K/David: $35,250/Travis: NIL

$3,500 Yahoo! Travel TRIP: Los Cabos worth $3,500

Round 3: PHRASE

The scoreless Travis led off w/ a $550 S, a $900 T pair, but then the sole dud vowel of A. Second, Julia found a $1,600 N pair, but then C for crud. Third, big leader David filled in a $600 D, three O’s, but then R for rats. Travis tried again w/ a $300 P, but that same BANKRUPT took away $1,500. Julia followed w/ a $600 L, but then a baffling dud of K. Next for David were two E’s, a $500 H, I, but he then fouled up on $3,500 w/ yet another dud of G. After Travis’ $600 W…

W H _ / D O N ‘ T
_ O _ / S L E E P
O N / I T ?

…he finally got on the board for asking “WHY DON’T YOU SLEEP ON IT?”.

DUDS: A (Travis), C (Julia), R (David), K (Julia), G (David)

Julia: $1K/David: $35,250/Travis: $600

Tossup #2: ON THE MAP

T H _
D E _ _ W _ _ E
B A _

Julia doubled up w/ THE DELAWARE BAY.


Good news for her and Travis — consonants were worth $6K apiece!

Julia: H (DUD)
David: T
Travis: S
Julia: 3 N’s
David: C
Travis: Y (DUD)
Julia: M

_ _ N T / _ N _
_ N C L _
S _ M

David solved AUNT AND UNCLE SAM for $30K and the massive blowout victory!!! And Pat gave his jacket to David after walking to his podium since he won so much.

DUDS: H, Y (both by Julia)

Julia: $2K/David: $65,250!!!/Travis: $600

Bonus Round

According to Pat, the remaining prizes besides the cash was the Mustang Convertible and the Jeep Wrangler. Of W-E-L remaining, David chose the E.

Category: PHRASE

Just an S to start this answer…

_ ‘ _     S _
_ _ _ _ _

DGMI only added the obvious (Pat forgot to ask for a vowel at first)…

I ‘ M / S _
_ _ _ _ _

…but he nailed “I’M SO HAPPY” and won the $25K, giving him a final all-cash total of $90,250!!! That was a new record for the Tossup era between the retirement of Friday Finals and the introduction of the Bonus Wheel.


WoF Retro Recap: February 1, 2001


Toss-Up #1: CLASSIC TV

_ E _ _ O _ _ / B _ _ K
_ _ _ _ _ _

Jim solved WELCOME BACK KOTTER” (that was actually set in Brooklyn). He wasn’t the only man from this Thursday panel…

Jim Palmer: human service administrator with a non-profit serving homeless and sells food-related “plastics” from District Heights, MD

Heather Adams: recently graduated from Texas A&M in 1999 who works with the YMCA as a coordinator for the after-school program from Austin, TX

Richard Hunter: freshman at Howard University studying business management and takes taekwondo from Chicago

Gift Tag: OurHouse.com


But Jim said an instant dud of T. Second, Heather called up a $400 N, a $700 S, $300 R, but then E for end of turn. Richard also missed w/ C for crud while on the Free SPIN. Jim then lit up an $1,800 L pair…

N _ _ _ _ R _
_ _ L L S

…and located NIAGARA FALLS.

DUDS: T (Jim), E (Heather), C (Richard)

FEATURED PRIZE #1: NIKE sports package worth $2,500 (SPORTS)

Jackpot Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Heather first found out that the T didn’t exist in this puzzle, either. Richard secondly called up a $600 L, a $300 M, A, a $600 R pair, E, but then H for hush. Jim thirdly picked a $700 F, but BANKRUPTed near Jackpot just as quick. Heather went all the way on this turn — a Y for the Free SPIN, five S’s for $2,250, three I’s, a $7K N pair, a $400 W, three O’s, a $400 B, the final vowel of U, and a $700 C.

S W I S S / F A M I L Y

She’s won $10K just for reading this puzzle.

DUDS: T (Heather), H (Richard)

Jim: $2,800/Heather: $10K FS/Richard: NIL

FEATURED PRIZE #2: Yahoo! Travel trip to MazatlΓ‘n worth $3,500

Round 3: THING

We had an instant dud for the third round in a row, this time w/ Richard’s C call. Second, Jim picked a $600 T, but then N for negative. Third, Heather BANKRUPTed on the $10K’s right side. On Richard’s second turn, he picked a $1K R pair but then repeated the N (not acknowledged as a repeat). Jim missed w/ S, allowing Heather to rattle off a $1,200 L pair, two A’s, but then another baddie of G. Richard next uncovered a $7K D pair, but then M for mistake. After Jim got the same side of the $10K to lose $600, Heather filled in a $300 B, but used her FS after buying a dud vowel of I. Next up were a $300 V and a $900 P pair before Vanna showed us…

P _ R T A B L _
P L A _ _ R

She won another $2,200 towards buying a PORTABLE DVD PLAYER.

DUDS: C (Richard), N (Jim), S (Jim), G (Heather), M (Richard), I (Heather)
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Heather, Jim)
SOLE DQ: Richard’s N repeat

Jim: $2,800/Heather: $12,200/Richard: NADA

Toss-Up #2: PHRASE

_ _ _ E / Y _ _ R
_ A _ K

Heather totally blew it w/ HAVE YOUR CAKE.

M A K E / Y _ U R

Jim just made it in time w/ MAKE YOUR MARK.


But he BANKRUPTed near $500 from the get-go. After Heather’s $900 T trio…

_ _ _ _ _ T
_ _ _ _ _ T _ _ T

…the consonants in Speed-Up mode were worth $1,900 apiece.

Heather: R
Richard: 2 S’s (heΒ tried to call O immediately after this pick)
Jim: 2 C’s

R _ C _ _ T
S C _ _ _ T _ S T

Jim didn’t need to be a ROCKET SCIENTIST to double his $3,800.


Jim: $7,600/Heather: $12,200/Richard: PARTING GIFTS

GT: $19,900

Bonus Round

The cars on this week were…

  • Jeep Wrangler Sport ($25K+)
  • BMW 325i ($34K+)
  • Honda Prelude
  • Lexus RX300 ($37K+)

Heather got the W envelope.

Category: PHRASE

Opening layout…

_ E E _ / _ T
_ _ S _ – _ _ S _

PMDI didn’t do much…

_ E E P / I T
_ _ S _ – _ _ S _

The audience has to KEEP IT HUSH-HUSH in this segment, and Heather didn’t solve for the BMW.


WoF Retro Recap: January 9, 2001

Thanks to STO_1601 for informing the date of this S18 episode.



T _ B L E C _ _ _ H / &
_ _ P _ _ N S

Christy got out a TABLECLOTH & NAPKINS. This night’s panel…

Christy Estrada: medical assistant for an internist who’s a newlywed to Ricky from Van Nuys, CA

Tom Baroody: registered nurse in the neuro trauma center at a hospital in Fairfax who did some country western dancing and singing from Alexandria, VA

Anmarie Gumm: worked in the medical equipment sales business married to David w/ two kids from Mesa, AZ

Gift Tag: bikeshop.com

Round 1: PHRASE

But Christy said an instant dud of S for sorry. Tom did all the work for two N’s for $600, four T’s for another $2,200, one A, and three H’s and two D’s at $800 apiece.

_ H _ / D _ D N ‘ T
_ / T H _ N _
_ _ / T H A T ?

Well, WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT? He’s on the board w/ $6,550.

SOLE DUD: S (Christy)

FEATURED PRIZE #1: Cambridge Soundworks home theater system worth $2,700 (SOUND SYSTEM)

Jackpot Round: FILL IN THE BLANK

Tom’s first w/ two S’s for $1,600, two E’s, three T’s for $2,100 more, a $1,200 R pair, and the leftover vowels of A and two O’s, but the BANKRUPT near Jackpot cleaned him out of $4,150. Anmarie secondly tried an N for the BikeShop.com gift tag, but LaTed out just as quick. Christy thirdly missed w/ F. Back to Tom who who lit up an $800 H, a $550 W, but then M for mistake. AnmarieΒ followed w/ a $900 L, but then D for dud. Christy then filled in the remaining consonants of an $800 P, a $600 B, and a $600 Y.

? / P O L E
? / S T A R
? / B Y / NO R T H W E S T

She read the board correctly for $2K and won the $3K bonus for saying North. Oh, and those first two appeared in the crossword puzzle on my episode.

DUDS: F (Christy), M (Tom), D (Anmarie)
SOLE LaT: Anmarie

Anmarie: NOTHING/Christy: $6K/Tom: $6,550

FEATURED PRIZE #2: equestrian vacation in Devon, England from Cross Country International and Equestrian Vacations.com worth $5,838 (ENGLAND)

Round 3: THINGS

The scoreless AnmarieΒ started w/ a $900 S pair, only to lose it right back to the $10K’s right side. Second, Christy said T for trouble. Third, Tom got the England trip w/ an N, but LaTed out just as quick. On Anmarie’s second turn, she picked a $700 R, three L’s for another $1,650, two E’s, but then a baddie of G. Christy next said M for mistake while on $3,500. Tom followed w/ a $600 Y, but then the other side of the $10K to give up $6,438 cash & England. Anmarie said three D’s for another $1,200, a $300 V, a $3,500 C, four I’s, but then F for flunk to leave $6,850 on the table. After Christy LaTed out, Tom lit up a $900 P pair…

I N D I V I D _ _ L L Y
_ R _ P P E D

…and he knew that some cheeses come in INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED SLICES.

DUDS: T (Christy), G (Anmarie), M (Christy), F (Anmarie)
LaTs: 2 (Tom, Christy)
BANKRUPTS: 2 (Anmarie, Tom)

Anmarie: NADA/Christy: $6K/Tom: $7,450

Toss-Up #2: SHOW BIZ

M _ D _ – _ _ R – T V
M _ _ I _

Christy must have watched a MADE-FOR-TV MOVIE, so she’s $450 off the lead.


Next from her mouth were a $550 H, but the S failed her again. Tom’s second in line w/ two N’s for the sound system and four W’s for $2,800 before he went for the solve…

H _ W / N _ W
_ _ _ W N / _ _ W

He said “HOW NOW BROWN COW” for $5,500 cash & sound system.

SOLE DUD: S (Christy)

Anmarie: BUPKIS/Christy: $7K/Tom: $12,950 cash & sound system

Speed-Up: PLACE

Consonants were worth $1,600 a pop.

Tom: R (DUD)
Anmarie: S (DUD)
Christy: T (DUD)
Tom: N
Anmarie: P (DUD)
Christy: M (DUD)
Tom: G
Anmarie: H (DUD)
Christy: R (DUPE; not acknowledged as a repeat)
Tom: L
Anmarie: 2 D’s
Christy: C

L _ _ D _ N G
D _ C _

Christy got some more money from a LOADING DOCK.

DUDS: R (Tom), S (Anmarie), T (Christy), P (Anmarie), M (Christy), H (Anmarie)
SOLE DQ: Christy’s R repeat

Anmarie: PARTING GIFTS/Christy: $8,600/Tom: $12,950 cash & sound system

GT: $21,550
BANKRUPT TRASH: $11,488 cash & England

Bonus Round

Tom picked the first E.

Category: THING

Just the very middle letter to start…

_ _ _ L _ _ _

CDPI only added the vowel…

_ _ I L _ _ _

He was wrong thinking the first half’s BAIL or FAIL, so the entertainment package that he could’ve won stayed in this MAILBAG (I would’ve been wrong w/ MAILBOX).


WoF Retro Recap: January 4, 2001

This was originally labeled as a Wednesday, but it was actually a Thursday.


Toss-Up #1: PHRASE

C O N S I _ E R
I _ / _ _ N _

Trenton only gets the first word.

C O N S I _ E R
I _ / _ _ N E

CONSIDER IT DONE — Betsy scored and she’s the only lady from this panel…

Betsy Bigley: married lady to Paul w/ two daughters and a new grandchild from Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Trenton Marsh: junior at American University studying marketing and enterprise management and a musician (he plays baritone trumpet) from Shaker Heights, OH

Phillip Hebert: junior at University of Texas-Austin who also raised money for cancer awareness (he won a drag contest held by the Kappa Phi Gamma sorority) from Orangefield, TX

Gift Tag: MyPoints

Round 1: SHOW BIZ

Betsy’s first letters this night were a $1K S pair, an $1,800 R trio, but then T for trouble. Trenton did the rest of the work for a $1,050 N trio, four A’s, a $1,600 D pair, four E’s, an $800 W, I, a $2,400 C trio, O, a $350 G, a $1,350 L trio, and the final vowel of U.

C _ A R L I E ‘ S
A N G E L S / L U C _
C A _ E R O N / A N D

He slowly and dramatically IDs “CHARLIE’S ANGELS” LUCY, CAMERON AND DREW (it’s the 2000 film) for $6,300.

SOLE DUD: T (Betsy)

FEATURED PRIZE #1: Co-Pilot 2000 navigator w/ CompUSA service (labeled TRAVEL) worth $2,900

Jackpot Round: BEFORE & AFTER

Early leader Trenton started w/ a $600 N, five A’s, but then the LaT. Second, Phillip called up an $800 T pair (he looked at the wrong arrow on this spin), an S for the Free SPIN, a $600 H pair, an $800 C, and four E’s, followed by three $600 R’s and two $600 W’s, but then the LaT and he used his FS. Next up were a $900 L trio and a $3,500 G (should’ve saved the L’s for that) before we looked at…

T H E / G R E A T
W A L L / _ _ / C H _ N A
A N _ / S _ L _ E R W A R E

There’s no such landmark called THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA AND SILVERWARE, but he solved for $9,350. And in the celebration, he jumped and accidentally bounced his Toss-Up signaling device out of its holder — whoops!

LaTs: 2 (men)

Trenton: $6,300/Phillip: $9,350/Betsy: $1K

FEATURED PRIZE #2: trip to Vegas from National Airlines Vacations plus a tour of the Grand Canyon (LAS VEGAS) worth $4,359

Round 3: EVENT

First for Phillip were a $550 S, a $600 R pair, a T as in the TRAVEL wedge, but then LaT. Betsy next picked a $1K N pair, a $600 G, two I’s and O’s, a $3,500 L, and a $500 B. We had…

B R _ _ _ I N G / _
R _ S O L _ T I O N

There’s bound to be some people who are BREAKING A RESOLUTION after New Year’s Day, but Betsy solved for $5,100.

SOLE LaT: Phillip

Trenton: $6,300/Phillip: $9,350/Betsy: $6,100

Toss-Up #2: PEOPLE

D _ C T _ R S / &
N U R _ E _

Betsy mistakenly blurted out the answer without buzzing in; it’s Phillip who solved DOCTORS & NURSES.

Round 4: THING

After that man said an instant dud of N, the consonants in Speed-Up mode were worth $1,300 apiece.

Betsy: F
Trenton: T
Phillip: 2 L’s
Betsy: B (DUD)
Trenton: 3 R’s
Phillip: S
Betsy: O

_ / R O L L
O F / _ _ _ R T _ R S

Betsy got A ROLL OF QUARTERS that’s good for the Final Spin amount.

SOLE DUD: B (Betsy)

Trenton: $6,300/Phillip: $10,350/Betsy: $7,400

GT: $24,050

Bonus Round

Phillip picked the H envelope.


Almost 1/2 of this seven-letter answer already…

_ L _ _ _ E N

GBMA only added the vowel…

_ L A _ _ E N

Without the P’s, he apparentlyΒ DIDN’T have a PLAYPEN in his house, and also lost out on the Paris & Paris trips (though he didn’t want to go there anyway).