WoF Recap: April 4, 2013


Encore Clip (Oct. 20, 1998): The hosts eat candy and show off their red tongues

$1K Toss-Up: PERSON

S T _ O N G
S _ _ M M _ R

I don’t know if Jessica is a STRONG SWIMMER, but she’s on the board first among this panel…

Jessica Eby: UCLA law student married to Fabricio from L.A. who likes outdoor adventure sports (originally from Cheverly, MD)

Brian Portman: auto-body repair shop controller who also says that he’s a gambler from Knoxville, TN

Dana Conway: process engineer at a major medical manufacturing facility and mother of a 13-yr.- old son named Noah from Newark, DE


S W _ _ _ S / A _ D
T R E A _ _

Jessica’s two for two w/ SWEETS AND TREATS.

FEATURED TRIP: Voyagaire Lodge & Houseboats ride on Crane Lake in MN worth $6,327

Jackpot Round: THE 70’s

First from Jessica are four $400 S’s, four E’s, but then the LaT. Second, Brian takes two $550 R’s but then the sole dud vowel of A. Third, Dana calls for two $800 T’s and a couple I’s, but then BANKRUPTs on the MDW’s left side to lose the $1,350 remainder. Jessica then fills in two L’s ($350 each) and U’s…

_ _ L _ E S T E R

…and solves POLYESTER LEISURE SUITS for another $1,800.

SOLE DUD: A (Brian)
SOLE LaT: Jessica

Mystery Round: SAME NAME

Brian immediately picks up the 1/2 CAR next to $900 w/ three N’s, buys an A, and gets the other 1/2 CAR w/ the obvious D. But after buying three E’s, the same MDW BANKRUPT comes by to take away $1,500 and the smart car; ouch. Dana doesn’t do any better w/ the LaT. Third, Jessica uncovers L ($300) and O singles, but then says R for roadblock while on the ebags.com gift tag. Trying to recover from that car loss, Brian selects two $450 S’s, the remaining four I’s, a $550 G and two C’s while on the MW next to LaT. You bet he’s gonna gamble $1,200…the $10K is there

_ I S _ I N G / A N D
_ O E _ I C

…and he’s right w/ FISHING AND POETIC LICENSE for $11,200.

SOLE DUD: R (Jessica)
SOLE LaT: Dana

Jessica: $4,800/Brian: $11,200/Dana: ZIP

Bonus Puzzle Flashback (Dec. 29, 1992): EVENT

Remember Kelly Vaught from back then? Here, he chose CDMI and had this to work w/…

_ _ C T I _ N

…but he didn’t get AUCTION and lost a $20K+ Pontiac Trans Sport.

Prize Puzzle Round: TITLE (it’s a short one)

Dana strikes out right away w/ the R. Second, Jessica LaTs out. Third, Brian chooses two $300 N’s, buys four A’s, lights up a $700 L, and says E for error. After Dana misses again w/ T…

_ A N / _ _
L A / _ A N _ _ A

Jessica solves the musical “MAN OF LA MANCHA” for this hotwire.com vacation — a $6,300 Brendan Worldwide Vacatios TOUR OF SPAIN.

DUDS: R (Dana), E (Brian), T (Dana)
SOLE LaT: Jessica

Jessica: $11,100 cash & Spain/Brian: $11,200/Dana: ZILCH

$3K Toss-Up: SHOW BIZ

_ A T _ _ _ A Y
M _ T _ N _ E

Brian gets SATURDAY MATINEE to move to $14,200.

Round 4: PHRASE

Brian does some work (three $350 N’s, three I’s, A, $450 C, three E’s, $400 T) only to lose his turn w/ the P (I thought the third word was gonna be KEEP). After that, Dana fills in three singles ($550 M, $700 F, $900 B)…

I / C A N / F E E _ / I T
I N / M _ / B _ N E _

She says “I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES” for her first $2,150.

SOLE DUD: P (Brian)

Jessica: $11,100 cash & Spain/Brian: $14,200/Dana: $2,150

Speed-Up: THING

Consonants are worth $1,700 each.

Dana: 2 T’s
Jessica: S (DUD)
Brian: R
Dana: N (DUD)
Jessica: L
Brian: D
Dana: P (DUD)
Jessica: 2 M’s

L _ M _ T _ D – T _ M _
_ _ _ _ R

Jessica accepts this LIMITED-TIME OFFER for $5,100 and the win.

DUDS: S (Jessica), N (Dana), P (Dana)

Jessica: $16,200 cash & Spain/Brian: $14,200/Dana: $2,150

GT: $32,550
BANKRUPT TRASH: $17,180 cash and smart car

$100K Bonus Round

Fabricio the hubby and a friend of Jessica’s named Jen is in attendance; here comes the ol’ W for this player.

Category: FOOD & DRINK

Not much in this one…

_ E _ _ _ E
_ _ _ _ _

DHC aren’t there, but maybe the I’s will save her…

_ E _ _ I E
_ I _ _ _

…she doesn’t have much of anything, so she won’t be ordering a VEGGIE PIZZA w/ the extra $30K.

$5K SPIN ID: PC1060660


2 thoughts on “WoF Recap: April 4, 2013

  1. JP Mackey June 18, 2014 / 5:45 am

    Except for Brian making up for that car loss with the MW win, this episode was pretty boring. Except for…a short Prize Puzzle!


  2. Friendship Feed April 5, 2024 / 11:23 pm

    Bizarre episode- Brian trashed the Car via a BANKRUPT but comeback won $10K MW later, and then lost to Jessica by a $2K margin of victory via a short PP that become PP-mattering becomes their undoing when there was a trick BR with the V and Z right there.


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