WoF Recap: Valentine’s Day 2017


$1K Toss-Up: WAYD?

P _ L _ I _ G
_ _ _ O / P O R T

Elizabeth & Anthony have nothing, whereas Brittany & Chris solve PULLING INTO PORT. In order, Tuesday’s couples…

Brittany & Chris Young (married for 10 yrs. and first met at OK Univ.): he’s a Union HS teacher while she’s the Mother’s Day out director at an infant church; they have 2 daughters

Elizabeth & Anthony Suchala (married 2 yrs.): he works at a therapeutic day school while she’s a client service rep at an insurance brokerage; they’re from Chicago and have one daughter

Jason & Gabby Herrera: she works for the CA Parks Dept. while he works in the hospitality industry; they have a daughter

$5K SPIN ID: KB04175

$2K Toss-Up: THINGS

H _ _ S / A _ D
K I S _ _ _

Anthony was about to say the answer, but his team thankfully buzzed in first and he solves HUGS AND KISSES.

Other Gift Tag of the Week: eBags

Round 1: FUN & GAMES

The Suchalas waste a turn w/ the MDW’s right side. Second, the Herreras call up a $700 R, two $650 T’s, but then S for sorry. Third, the Youngs put up five N’s for the eBags gift tag, an E, two A’s, a $650 G, and two $700 C’s…

_ _ R _ N G / A
C _ N _ E T T _
C A N N _ N

…I hope the crew will be FIRING A CONFETTI CANNON at the show’s end; meanwhile, they’ve solved for $5,050 cash & GT and a new total of $6,050.

SOLE DUD: S (Herreras)

Mystery Round: SAME LETTER

Here go the Herreras w/ a $500 R, an N for that cruise, and two T’s while on the MW near LaT; no way are they risking $1K and their cruise (it actually would’ve worked). Next are a $650 D but then a possible fatal misstep of Y. The Youngs secondly spot the SL bonus of seven $600 S’s, two A’s, a $600 L, and an O before they buy the sole dud vowel of E. The Suchalas then SPINGLE for a $500 H…

S A N D A L S / &
S _ _ _ S _ _ T S

SHORTS, SANDALS & SWIMSUITS will double their two grand.

DUDS: Y (Herreras), E (Youngs)

Youngs: $6,050 cash & GC/Suchalas: $4K/Herreras: NIL

PP/Express Round: PHRASE

It’s all the Youngs — they pick off three $700 S’s, two I’s, a $650 T, three E’s, two $900 N’s, and the other two non-U vowels of two A’s and O.

I T ‘ S / _ I N E A _ _ _ E
S E A S O N !

IT’S PINEAPPLE SEASON! This PR solve for $3,550 also earns them a trip to the Disney Aulani in OAHU worth $7,450.

Youngs: $17,050 cash & prizes/Suchalas: $4K/Herreras: NADA


_ W _ E T
_ R E _ T

The Suchalas got a SWEET TREAT.

Round 4: PERSON

Next for that couple are a $600 T, but then the LaT. The Herreras are second in line w/ a $1,400 H pair, but then the BANKRUPT near $650 and it’s S-U time…

T H _ / _ _ _
_ H _ _ _ _ _ _

…w/ a $1,500 FS.

Youngs: C
Suchalas: S (DUD)
Herreras: 2 N’s
Youngs: R (DUD)
Suchalas: W
Herreras: M
Youngs: P

T H _ / N _ W
C H _ M P _ _ N

THE NEW CHAMPION couple on this episode is the Youngs who solve for $3K more.

DUDS: S (Suchalas), R (Youngs)
SOLE LaT: Suchalas

Youngs: $20,050 cash & prizes/Suchalas: $7K/Herreras: $2K GOOSEEGG

GT: $29,050

$100K Bonus Round

Brittany of the Youngs has the N envelope of WIN.

Category: PEOPLE

Reveal the RSTLNE legend…

_ _ _ _ S _ R _
_ R _ _ _

CDMA gives them…

A D _ _ S _ R _
_ R _ _ _

The ADVISORY GROUP disapproves of them blowing the $50K for not getting the second word in time (Brittany actually paused after that first word).


2 thoughts on “WoF Recap: Valentine’s Day 2017

  1. ant0824 February 15, 2017 / 12:49 am

    The Question is: When are we going to see a BR win during Disney Sea & Shore Week? Another Disappointing show and $50K loss lowers my rating

    My rating: 4


  2. jpgenius February 17, 2017 / 10:49 pm

    Decent match between the reds and yellows…until the reds felt the BR love too late.

    My rating: 6


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