WoF Recap: January 22, 2016


$1K Tossup: WAYD?

G _ _ _ _ _ G
_ _ M _ _ _ T _ B _ E

We hope everybody (especially Devin who solved that one) is GETTING COMFORTABLE to play the game…

Devin Mercer: Delaware State Univ. professor who teaches voice and has a girlfriend and one daughter from Cockeysville, MD

Courtney Swenson: fitness coach for seniors who got engaged from Henderson, NV (orig. from MN)

Katarina Gasevski: community college counselor married to Martin from West Bloomfield, MI


C A _ _ A S
_ O _ E / B A G

Devin’s added another two grand to his CANVAS TOTE BAG.

LAST B&B TRIP: RiverDance Inn in Marshall, NC worth $6K

Round 1: SONG LYRICS (but also RHYME TIME)

T for trouble is how he starts. Second, Courtney calls up two $700 S’s, but then A for awful. Third, Katarina also misses w/ R. Devin resumes his play w/ two M’s for the NC trip, an I, four $500 L’s, four O’s to finish off the vowels and two $900 G’s. Board…

G O O _ / G O L L _
M I S S / M O L L _

…he solves “GOOD GOLLY, MISS MOLLY” (by Little Richard) for $10,300 cash & Carolina.

DUDS: T (Devin), A (Courtney), R (Katarina)

Mystery Round: SAME NAME

Once again, we have an instant dud of T, this time by Courtney while she’s on the bedandbreakfast.com gift tag. Second, Katarina LaTs out. Third, Devin has called a $650 R but then S for sorry. Courtney tries again w/ two $600 N’s, three E’s, four $550 C’s, an O, but the LaT also bites her. Katarina next picks a $600 F, an A, a K for the 1/2 CAR near $600, a U to finish off the vowels, but then P for phooey. Devin then uncovers two $900 L’s…

C O N F E R E N C E / &
_ U C K

…he solves CONFERENCE & DUCK CALL for $2,450. Oh, and it would be hilarious if the F hadn’t been called.

DUDS: T (Courtney), S (Devin), P (Katarina)
LaTs: 2 (ladies)

Ladies: $0 each/Devin: $15,750 cash & Carolina

PP/Express Round: THING

Katarina’s next chance to strike pay dirt begins w/ a $700 T, two E’s, three FP I’s, but then the BANKRUPT near TD to lose $450. Second, Devin climbs aboard the EXPRESS after calling an N.

Next Picks: 4 R’s…A…Y…O…2 U’s…CRASH w/ L (he loses $5,250)

Courtney then says the S for the gift tag and a FP C to complete the board…

O U R / C R U I S E

…she’s gonna need that item to get aboard a $6K Costa CARIBBEAN CRUISE.

BANKRUPTS: 2 (everyone else)

Courtney: $8K cash & cruise/Katarina: $0/Devin: $15,750 cash & Carolina

$3K Tossup: FOOD & DRINK

M _ _ Y _ A _ _
_ _ _ _ / _ _ A B S

Devin captures some MARYLAND BLUE CRABS for the Tossup sweep.

Round 4: EVENT

It’s all Devin — he calls up a $600 T, a $650 R, an E, two I’s, three $500 N’s, and a $600 G…

_ I N N I N G
_ T R E _ _

…he feels like he’s on a WINNING STREAK, as he solves this one for $2,850.


Courtney: $8K cash & cruise/Katarina: $0/Devin: $21,600 cash & Carolina

Speed-Up: PHRASE

We end the week w/ another one of those $1,600 FSs.

Courtney: R
Katarina: S (DUD)
Devin: 2 T’s
Courtney: N (DUD)
Katarina: O
Devin: P (DUD)
Courtney: M
Katarina: F
Devin: I (DUD)
Courtney: L (DUD)
Katarina: H

F R O M / H _ _ _
T O / T O _

FROM HEAD TO TOE, Katarina wins her only $3,200 on the night.

DUDS: S (Katarina), N (Courtney), P (Devin), I (Devin), L (Courtney)

Courtney: $8K cash & cruise/Katarina: $3,200/Devin: $21,600 cash & Carolina

GT: $32,800

$100K Bonus Round

Nobody w/ Devin, but the ** is where he stops.

Category: THING
Another generous RSTLNE serving…

_ _ _ N T
_ E N T _ R E

GDFU only adds that obvious vowel…

_ _ _ N T
_ E N T U R E

…and we have our second BR SHUTOUT this season; we won’t be initiating a JOINT VENTURE (he had QUAINT and GIANT) in awarding him $33K.

$5K SPIN ID: DL0161332


8 thoughts on “WoF Recap: January 22, 2016

  1. JP Genius January 23, 2016 / 5:52 am

    I KNEW we’d get a shutout. I just KNEW it! That BR puzzle really should’ve been solved, period.

    My rating: 6.5


    • ant0824 January 23, 2016 / 6:11 am

      I agree. An absolute worst B&B week in Bonus Round. That’s why my weekly rating is a 1.
      What’s your weekly rating, JP?


      • andynwof January 23, 2016 / 6:14 am

        He’ll post it in my latest stat post. If anybody tries to declare a technical win especially that bastard whatever111…stay away or face the authorities.


      • ant0824 January 23, 2016 / 6:15 am

        Or even Michael Taylor tries to declare technical wins… I stay away from them


    • jpgenius August 31, 2016 / 9:39 pm

      On my 18th birthday. SMH.


    • tjdygks57 April 1, 2021 / 5:03 pm

      champ was good playing, but _ RUI _ E was mishap, that was bad sign & did it.


  2. ant0824 January 23, 2016 / 6:09 am

    Worst B&B week ever with BR shutouts.

    My rating: 4
    Weekly rating: 1


  3. tjdygks57 December 11, 2020 / 8:51 pm

    this week wasn’t good. two skunked in this theme, not 2 BR won in any season, only $174,542 – second lowest week winning.

    the maingame is average, but champ O or I instead wasted U & we really should’ve had at least one BR win this week.(his guesses were QUAINT and GIANT wasn’t gonna work)

    furthermore, too much Skunked this week.(Wof BR, jeopardy monday triple bankrupt, Tpir game(Bonus game, let ’em roll))


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